Chapter 2

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"Charlotte, you don't have to walk to school. I could give you a ride" Cameron offered. I shook my head. I actually was planning to skip school. I didn't want to deal with people. People annoy me. I brought my backpack all the way to an old abandoned park. Than, threw it into the bushes. I continued walking until I reached the library. No one question why I wasn't at school. They never do. I started skipping in the beginning of the school year. Now, it's November. The teachers never really cared about skippers, as long as you have good grades. I took out a book called 'Forgivness Is A Lie'. It's about a girl who's trying to forgive her best friend for not telling her that her boyfriend was cheating on her. But, he's not actually sorry for not telling her, knowing it would break her heart.

As I was on chapter 12, I heard two familiar voices talking. I looked over and saw Damon and Derek. Are they stalking me? I started mentally panicking. They saw me and smiled. I froze in fear. Are they serial killers? Terrorists? I couldn't get up quickly enough, they appeared right in front of me. "Hey Charlotte" Derek greeted. "You know, you can get into trouble for skipping right?" Damon questioned. "Are you following me?" I whispered. They laughed. "You figured it out" Damom said sarcastically. Derek playfully punched Damon's shoulder. A voice in my head told me to run. But, it also wanted me to stay. I decided to go with the first choice, I ran out.

I ran all the at home. Because I'm so lucky, Cameron was still home. "Why are you already home? Where's your backpack?" He interrogated. I nervously smiled, then ran to my room. "Charlotte Annabeth Bennet! Open this door right now!" Cam yelled. I slowly opened the door, tears slowly falling down my face. His angry face softened. He hugged me as I cried. I sadly, still have to go to school tomorrow. Cameron made a Carter get my backpack. Tomorrow's gonna be hard.

*next day*

I woke up a bit happy. But then, I turned sad. Sometimes, when I wake up, I don't remember that he died. I sighed and changed into baggy jeans and a hoodie. I searched around until I found my worn out converse. I smiled, remembering the happy memories, and frowned, remembering the sad. But life isn't always sunshine and rainbows. It's also got its tornados and hurricanes. Everything will.

I allied downstairs to see Cameron making breakfast. "I'm taking you to school today" he informed me. I groaned in annoyance, but said nothing. I quickly scarfed down my eggs and washed the dish. I'm grabbed my bag. Carter also rode with us. During the drive, we sat in awkward silence. When we arrived, I saw Derek and Damon glaring at Cameron and Carter, for some odd reason."Bye sis" Cameron said and hugged me. I swear, after that I heard something growl. I ducked out his hug and went to my locker. As I was putting away my stuff, I saw a picture of me, him, and my brothers at my 13th birthday party. I smiled, remembering that day.

I sighed and went to English. Today we were suppose to be practicing the play but, our teacher went into labor, so we all got to go to the library. I sat at a table. Sadly, Derek sat at my table. I frantically looked around for an empty seat. Just my luck, all tables were filled. I ignored Derek's starts as I tried reading more of my book.

Derek's Pov:

Charlotte is incredibly beautiful. Her dark brown hair went past her shoulders, her big brown eyes remind me of a deer. She was skinny. She looked around 5ft 5in. Her skin was naturally pale. When she smiled(which was rare) it lit up the room. She is my mate. We(Damon and Derek) have been traveling the world, searching for our mates. Charlotte(sadly) is both Damon's mate and my mate. I'm hoping Damon is just confused.......

Charlotte's Pov:

As I was reading, Derek was STILL staring at me. "Stop staring at me!" I snapped in anger. What happened next scared me, his eyes turned darker. Almost black. He must've noticed the look of fear on my face, because them his eyes turned back to hazel. "Woah" I muttered. I was feeling two emotions. Fear and curiosity.

Luckily I didn't have time to act on either, the bell rang. I ran out of the class as fast as I could. I ended up bumping into so,done. I looked up and saw Damon. "H-hi" I stuttered. He smirked. "Let me guess, running from my idiot brother" he guessed. My eyes widened, and I nodded. We walked together in silence. The classes went by in a blur. I learned Damon, is actually a lot like me. I still got a bad vibe from him. He told me to give Derek a chance. I'm still unsure of Derek. Lunch time came around. I bought an apple and sat in my usual spot. Damon and Derek sat with me again. I smiled. "Hey Char" Derek greeted. "Charlie"'I corrected. They looked at me surprised. Lunch went by quickly. Especially since I have people to talk with. The rest of my classes breezes by quickly too. Soon enough I was walking home, while being accompanied by them.

As we were walking, Derek stopped. Causing Damon and I to stop. He turned to me. My instincts told me to run away, that this was bad. "Charlotte" he started. "Derek" Damon warned. I looked at them in confusion. I started laughing. "You're too funny" I joked. I noticed they weren't laughing. "We aren't joking Charlie" Damon told me.

I looked at the, in shock. "Y-you are v-vampires" I stuttered, moving backwards. "Charlie, I can explain" Derek started. I cut him off. "Leave me alone" I cried, and ran the rest of the way home, vampires were stalking everything I did. I don't even feel safe in my own home. Now I'm going to be very paranoid. Cameron brought me my dinner. I ate and only left when I had to use the bathroom. The boys(her brothers) knew better than to ask questions anymore, and just to deal with it.

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