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Black. Pitch dark was all that visible to me. It was like a black out. In a moment all the brilliant colors of life vanished. At one moment life felt like its best in the next, it felt like I was blocked in a dark room. A room with no doors. All I could see was nothing. It was an abyss, which I fell into in a millisecond. All I could remember was that I had crashed. Nothing more. Life as I knew it, turned black and white. Black was the usual color seen, whereas white was the sunlight falling across my eyelids. All that my visual receptors could sense. For days, I laid still, doing nothing but listening. All that I could hear were doctors, nurses, and their precision instruments working on me. At times I never knew if it was day or night. Sleep was something that came to me much more comfortably than my ability to breathe. This continued on for some days until... I heard her speak. Her gentle voice calmed my senses. She smelled like cinammon. I tried to picture her in my head. However, the picture wasn't in all its brilliance... It was Black and White.

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