Part 39

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Time to acknowledge the harry potter characters who appeared in DW, cus lets face it, they were the best characters! (In no particular order)

Barty Crouch Jr -----  The Doctor

Madame Hooch ----- Cassandra

Arthur Weasley ----- Brian Williams

Dumbledore ----- The scrooge person in the Christmas episode... I think his name was Kazran?

Dobby (well the voice of)  ----- The Dream Lord

Narcissa Malfoy ----- The Queen of the Saturnynian's (The queen of the vampire people in Vampires In Venice)

Barty Crouch Sr ----- Creator of the cybermen - John Lumic

Moaning Myrtle ----- Ursula (the face in the brick in Love and Monsters)

I know there are more but i listed the best ones!

And just because this is cool :

The actor who played Dudley is the grandson of Patrick Troughton who is the second Doctor!

Sorry everyone, I'm a Potterhead and A Whovian and I saw an oportunity for this part and I took it!

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