Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 (FINALLY)

So here I am at this sorry excuse for a house party. The gig was cancelled but I really doubt that it bothered Tony's fling, she still paid him for showing up (does that make him a gigolo/man-escort now?). Vic and Mike didn't bother showing up. I sat on the starch-stiff sofa and picked at my distressed, black skinnies. There were kids in pastel polos getting drunk everywhere and spilling all over each other. It was kinda pathetic, especially since the beer was crap anyways. Tony flopped down next to me. 

"Jesus, what is this fucking couch made of?" he exclaims, clenching his butt in pain. "Skeletons???" 

I laugh and pull out my phone, "Sorry about the gig, Tones." 

"Nah, it's cool," Tony says putting his feet on the coffee table, tipping over two cans of the crap beer. "She probably didn't mean for us to actually have the gig anyways. If you know what I'm saying." 

"Wow, pretty boy," I nudge him on the shoulder. "You have The Life, huh? Girls falling all over you and shit. Any guy would kill for that." 

Tony scratches the back of his head and re-adjusts his snapback, "Yeah. Well, it does get tiring at times, you know? Sucks." 

"How does it suck?" 

"All they want is the pretty face. They never seem to want to get to know me or, you know, actually have a conversation. Just physical stuff." 

I press my lips and look back at my can of beer. I feel bad about bringing up the topic and prayed for the sofa to just eat me. 

"This party is such a drag," he breaks the silence. 

"Aren't you supposed to be getting physical with the host upstairs??" 

He laughs, "Nah, she's not my type really. Plus she was so drunk it was way too easy to stick her with some other preppy polo dude." 

"No way. You didn't," 

"Well, that's what you think," he winks. 

I hit him playfully on the knee. We laugh, observe the room as more drinks are spilled and expensive looking vases are tipped over then Tony speaks up, "Let's blow this joint. Get some real beer." 

He gets up and stretches out his hand. I hold on to it firmly and we make our way to The Dirty Bone. The night was still young but the place was pretty deserted. Alex sat behind the the island counter tapping away at the keys of his laptop. He looks up and smiles, "Hey, Tony! Kayla! Wasn't expecting anybody to show up, tonight." 

Tony smiles, "Yeah, well it's been awhile since our last beer here. Hit us up will ya?" 

Alex pulls out two tall, hefty glasses and fills them to the brim with golden transparent liquid. "So, when can I expect another gig from you guys?" he asks. Tony looks at me. I raise my eyebrows, startled, "Um, well Jaime's flew the coop for a couple of weeks so not too soon, Al." Tony and Alex both have their eyes wide open, they almost pop out of their sockets. 

"What the fuck?" Tony exclaims. "What happened, Kay?" 

"Long story." 

"Well spit it out," Alex leans over the counter. 

I fidget with the coaster beneath the glass and take another sip. "Well, Jaime and I, aren't. We aren't. We aren't Jaime and I, you see? And it's kinda because. Well he sorta.... he sorta found out that Vic kissed me and that I didn't. I didn't tell him right after. And... yeah. He's... he's just. Just gotta clear his head. He needs time. Right? We gotta just. We gotta just give him what he needs. I gotta give him what he needs." 

Tony slumps back in his bar stool. "Sucks to be you." 

Alex muffles a laugh then Tony and him burst out. I punch them both in the shoulder, "Quit it guys." 

As the night draws on, more and more people show up at the bar which keeps Alex busy behind the counter. Tony and I sit at the group's usual place and talk and laugh and drink glasses upon glasses of frothy beer. We end up drunk and tipsy, falling over our bar stools trying to make our way out. Alex offers to drive us home after closing time but we tell him we can make it to my place which was fairly near the bar. Tony and I balance on each other walking back. We laugh even more and sing MCR songs loudly into the street-lamp lit night.  

Once I've fiddled with the keys and manage to crack the door open, we collapse into the house. We laugh some more and lay sprawled on our backs on the wooden floor. Tony picks me up and texts his parents that he's staying over the night. I close the door and stumble upstairs. Tony dresses up in one of Vic's shirts and surfer shorts and lays down on my bed. My mom's sound asleep in her room (she's a pretty heavy sleeper). After removing my make up and doing other essential things in the bathroom (peeing, brushing my teeth etc) I change into my embarrassing pink pjs, as they are the only clean ones I had. 

Tony sits up and laughs. "What the fuck," he slurs. 

I laugh pushing him off my bed. "Fuck you okay."  

He laughs some more and pulls me down on the floor. We wrestle each other before I hit him on the head with a pillow. "Knock out and the crowd goes wild!!" Tony whispers ecstatically. I curl up in laughter and we roll all over my floor. 

Once we've calmed down, Tony and I are side by side to each other. Face to face. He uses one arm to support his head and looks at me, "I had fun tonight." I stretch and yawn, "Yeah? Me too, Tones." I look back at Tony. He gives me a face I had never seen before, it was a funny kinda face (not the funny ha-ha type).  

He leans in, cups my face and kisses me. I pull away and look at him. He kisses me again and this time I don't push him. I pull him even closer. He runs his hands all over my body and back. We kiss vigorously. Tony takes off his shirt. We keep kissing. He proceeds to take off my shirt. We keep kissing. Tony slowly eases off my pj pants. We keep kissing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2014 ⏰

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