It's Cold Outside (Tumblr Prompt)

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The heater was broken, like it always is in the worst situations. You frigidly walked to the hallway closet, in search of blankets to keep us sheltered from the storm raging outside your small city condo. You're cat had crawled under the sheets of your bed, trying to escape the cold. I hugged myself close to trap all the remaining heat I had.

As you walked back to the living room couch, a numerous amount of blankets bunched up in your arms, I breathed a sigh of relief. You positioned yourself comfortably next to me on the couch, shoulders touching. I took one of the blankets and wrapped myself up in its warmth, feeling content. I saw you shiver slightly as you slipped under the blanket as well. I noticed how warm you were, heat radiating from your skin as it touched mine. Your arms wrapped around my torso and you buried your face in the crook of my neck.

Suddenly, I felt hot.

Very hot.

Yet, it wasn't an uncomfortable warmth. It was calming.

I felt my eyes begin to droop, and rested my head on yours. As you nuzzled my shoulder with your cheek, I heard you mumble something soft.

"I love you, Arthur."

You're hold on me relaxed. You had fallen asleep.

Somehow, I felt even hotter than before.


(This is short on purpose lmao)

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