All I Want For Christmas

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"Ok. Listen to me very carefully. We have two days till Christmas, and we still need to buy presents, a tree, and-"

"Go ice skating?"

Arthur sighed, "Ah yes...I suppose it won't hurt to go for a little while."

"Woohoo!" Alfred pumped his glove covered fists in the air. They were currently standing at the entrance to a huge shopping mall. The weather in New York calls for many layers of warm clothing so as to not die of hypothermia...or catch an innocent cold.

"I'm glad you're so excited," the Brit chuckled. "First off, we need to buy presents for everyone," he said as he opened the door and stepped inside the shopping center. The contrast in temperature was almost alarming.

"Sounds like a plan," Alfred saluted, pulling out a shopping cart.

Arthur rolled his eyes fondly and took a hold of his own cart, "Well, I guess we should go our separate ways?"

"Oh, y-yeah! Sure..." the blue eyed blonde answered.

The shorter blonde began to walk into one of the stores, pulling his cart with him. He called back, "We'll meet at the entrance when we're done, okay?"

"Ok!" Alfred called back, and headed off in the opposite direction.

As he made his way past a few establishments, he caught eye of a jewelry shop. A particularly small one at that, small enough to not even notice. It looked very homely, with wood carvings on the outer walls and the shop name fancily written in gold just above the entrance. Alfred looked up at the sign. The store was called Always Gold, and its surprising modesty easily drew him in.

Alfred quietly opened the door to the shop, poking his head in to see if anyone was there. A bell chimed above his head, and a small old man came out from the back of the shop and stood behind the counter at the end of the room.

"Welcome young man! What brings you here today?" The old man asked.

"Well..." Alfred answered shyly. "I'm...looking for a ring."

The store owner smiled, "Oh! Going to propose?"

Alfred smiled fondly, "Yeah."

"Very nice! Who's the lucky lady?"

"Oh! His name is Arthur..." the young blond answered awkwardly.

"Oh...Oh! Ok, very nice!" The owner said. "What kind of ring do you have in mind?"

Alfred walked over to the counter, "I was thinking of getting one with an emerald as the stone. His eyes remind me of them..."

"How sweet! I think I have just what you're looking for," he said as he took a ring out of the glass case that made up the counter and placed it in between them. "A silver band with an emerald stone. A very vibrate green, don't you think?"

"It's beautiful...just what I imagined..." Alfred said as he examined the engagement ring. "How much?"

"eight hundred dollars," the man said. Alfred frowned. It was above his budget.

"But for you...six hundred," the older man added.

Alfred gasped, "Really? Are you sure?"

"You seem like a nice young man, and this Arthur fellow is a lucky guy. I want you to be able to give him the best ring imaginable," he smiled.

"Wow...thank you very much!"

Alfred payed for the ring and bought a box to put it in. He hid the box in his jacket pocket and opened the shop door.

"Thanks again, sir!" Alfred said to the owner one last time.

"No problem! I hope he says yes!" the man answered.

Alfred stepped out of the shop and looked around for his boyfriend. He walked into the store Arthur had gone to when they first got there, and saw him at the checkout counter.

"Hey, babe," Alfred said as he stood next to the other blond at the counter and kissed his temple. "How's your shopping going?"

"Surprisingly, I am already done. You?" Arthur answered.

Alfred smiled, putting his hand over the pocket holding the ring, "Yeah. I'm all done."

"Great," Arthur said. "Now, how about we go check ice skating off the list?" he smiled.

The taller blond chuckled and took a hold of his lover's hand, "Sounds like a plan."

I wrote this a year ago and am just now putting it up cause I was gonna make it a multi-chapter thing but that didn't end up happening...anyways, enjoy! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2015 ⏰

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