Chapter Seven: Are You Okay, (Y/n)?

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//Sighs// Like in the last chapter..this is another trigger warning..

'I'm worthless...' You thought to yourself as you grabbed the sharp object, closed your eyes, and slit it across your wrist with the warm feeling of the red liquid coming out from the cuts. You wince from the pain of the cuts.

"Ah..hah..aahh.." You whimpered as your eyes started to water followed by the tears rolling down your cheeks then a sniffle.

"Wh-Why is it that..whenever I only brings more..pain..?" You whispered as you continued to cut your wrists until they were covered by the red liquid, known as blood, started to drip down onto your (f/c) pajamas.

'I'm nothing..' The voice never went away, it only seemed to grow louder. You sighed when you dropped the sharp object on the floor, but you ignored it only to grab some tissues by your bed to clean the blood off your wrists.

But when you leaned over for the tissues your door knocked, "(N/n)?" You reconized that voice it was Brandon; you started to panic, 'shitshitshitshitshit', and quickly grabbed the tissues and wiped the blood away then threw it in the trash, then you grabbed some more tissues to wipe your blood stained pajamas. "C..-Coming..!" You took the sleeve of your shirt to wipe your eyes and the tears off your cheek and ran to the door; you didn't worry about your nose, you had the perfect excuse, a runny rose.

You opened the door, "(N/n)? Were you crying?" "No, no I wasn't.." You sniffled, "I just have a..runny nose." You forced a smile but then Brandon sighed and pulled you close to an embrace; your eyes widened as your lip quivered, "(N/n) it's okay to cry, I'm not dad, you can cry on my shoulder."

"Brüder..I wasn't--" "Don't lie, just cry, it isn't healthy to keep it in." He interrupted as tears started to roll down your cheeks once again. But there was something that you were lying about and keeping a secret from him and that was you cut. You started to cry, trying to do it as quiet as possible so your crying wouldn't echo off the walls, after Brandon began petting your (h/l) (h/c) hair; but after a while, the tears soon decreased until you cried no more.

"Brüder..?" You hiccupped.


"C..-Can away..?"

His eyes widened a bit but then took a deep breath after closing his eyes and nodded as he replied, "yeah..yeah we can.."

His reply made you smile a bit as you hugged him tighter, "c-can we take mom with?"

"That's up to her, but if she agrees then we can."

"Okay..thanks anyway big bro..!"

The hug loosened so you two could part, "we can talk to mom on Sunday since she doesn't have work that day." You nodded in agreement. He leaned down a bit and put his forehead on yours, "its late, have a good night, (N/n)," his lips pressed against your forehead then walked away as you whispered, "good night.."

Timeskip to school during lunch! Brought to you by the lazy Author-chan/senpai~

You were on the rooftop with Brandon and the five friends who call themselves the Allies. You nor Brandon didn't know why they did but neither of you decided to ask.

You smiled a little bit, 'I can't believe that I..that I actually have friends..' but then you thought, '..but..there's always that possibility that they will leave everyone else..' You mentally sighed as you looked down and shook your head a bit and kept a smile, 'smile and no one will notice.'

You looked down at your lunch then back at the laughing Alfred, apparently he looked like he was laughing at a joke. "H..Hey Alfred?" He slowly stopped laughing as his head turned towards you and smiled,

"Do" you looked over at Brandon, his head nodding with his facial expression telling you that you can do it, he was always there to motivate you. You then took a deep breath, "w-..would you like my lunch? I-I'm not hungry so.." Your eyes slowly drifted away as you held your favourite chips and sandwich out to Alfred.

He laughed as he rubbed your head, "was that too hard to ask, (N/n)?" You were about to answer when he interrupted you, "but yeah! But are sure you don't want your lunch?" You nodded as he took the food. "Thanks (Y/n)!"

As soon as he finished the chips and sandwich, the bell rang, signaling that lunch was over. You sighed since you didn't want it to end. But then you remembered that you have chemistry with Alfred and Arthur.

Just when the seven of you got downstairs, you waved at your brother, telling him that you'll see him after school. He nodded and walked off with Yao(i) to their next class, cooking.

You waved goodbye to Ivan because he had to go the opposite way to his next class which was English. When you overheard him say something like, "I don't know why everyone looks at me in fear and run away.." to be honest he seems like a nice guy! 'Maybe I should try to talk to him tomorrow..!' You thought to yourself with a nod. Knowing that you can try to talk to him tomorrow and becoming friends one day, it fills you with determination.

The only people left were Alfred, Arthur, Francis, and you. You just started to walk away after you mumbled, "come on..we don't want to be late..!" The three males started to follow you as if you were leading them to an unknown place. After a minute or two, you and the three boys arrived at chemistry.

"Too bad this is your stop, but I'm monitoring the halls today, besides I don't have this class after lunch anyway.. what a shame.. I wanted to stay with you, belle~" Francis grabbed your hand and kissed it as you felt your cheeks heat up.

"Y..-Yeah..what a shame." You quietly replied.

Francis smirked at your reply and waved goodbye to the three of you. 'Francis seems like a nice guy..but..did he...did he just call me "beautiful" in French..?" Your (s/c) cheeks started to shade into a rosey pink.

But then, Alfred grabbed your wrist and you attempted to hide your painful groan. But apparently, he heard it because he asked, "yo, dudette, you okay?"

'Great..I failed..' You thought to yourself and nodded to his question as you forced a smile, you were always good at sounding and looking convincing.

"You sure?"

"Y..-Yeah!" You nodded again, never in your life have you ever been so greatful that you stuttered when you talk. "Y-You just grabbed my wrist too hard i-is all..!"

"Mmmm..." He looked like he was deciding on whether to trust you or not, "okay then! Sorry! I wanted to make sure that you are alright!" He gave you his famous goofy grin.

After the little chat, the bell rang and you, Alfred, and Arthur ran to their seats.

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