Somewhere I found you
Where every second counts
Thinking about you is not a waste of time
Because it's a chance to be with you
There's no point telling me I'm insane
'Cos I was the one who wanted this game
To play until the last level
Though we're not sure if we can make it
Oh, what a joy I feel every level done
It just means that it's getting nearer
The end I've been waiting for
I could've celebrate every victory
But it's such a shame on me
To make mistakes to get this little victory
Too bad there ain't any retry button
Gladly, two more lives are left
Just like my hopes left
The hope of you catching me in every failure
But hopes are just like games
It depends on your darn luck
But notice the efforts I put in this game
So we can both reach the last level
Oh, I always put these in my prayer
But shoot! I forgot, this game isn't in multiplayer