"So what we do is watch the people that are invisible to all and we take them in and we are like family for the others and are mouto is
'We are the invisible and we are born to not speak it is what make us us .'" Wow I say so I'm not the only invisible person well my mouto before I met them was I am invisible and I was met to speak well of corse I would never tell it to the other invisibles because I don't think that they care I think that they just want family night fell they took me outside they told me to think of an animal so I did and I became it I thought what happened but when they told me I washape shifter and they were to I thought wow so cool but how is possible they told me that they didn't know but when they found out they could do that at 2 years old they never forgot and just keep doing for years I thought wow so there can be unicorns and vampires out there cool they told me how I must keep it a secret that we are all shape shifters and we played all night and then school came
The invisible
Short StoryBefore you read please know that I'm am not good at telling story's and please leave comments but leave out the crapy comments There once was a girl that nobody new it was like she was invisible her name was Rosalinda do one day she finally talk sp...