The mistake

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You were dating Gabriel {Gabriel laceup/Mathis} and his friends caught him cheating and they told you.So this is were it starts.

Gabriel we need to talk.Yeah Leilani ...We need a break.What why Leilani.because you cheated.No I didn't.oh really because your friends told me.{you start to walk off} Gabe then grabbed your arm.LEAVE ME ALONE GABRIEL😭! You then bump into someone. His name is Triston.Gabes best friend.He asked what was wrong and you ran into the girls bathroom.You skipped class and called your mom too pick you up.You left early and then school ended like an hour later gyselle came over and you guys talked about what happened to you and Gabe and then she asked if anyone saw you crying and then you said someone did and then your friend asked who it was and you said someone cute and didn't say anything else😐.She then got mad at you and didn't talk to you because you didn't tell her. Then you said sorry then you and Gysselle made up.You then got a notification on your phone *Gabriel.laceup is live #lonely* hey Gysselle can I use your phone. Yeah... Why ? Because I need to check something.Ok. So then you make a log into a fake account to watch Gabe he was in a weird mood he was sad and all gloomy you then started to cry and then you wrote a comment why did you break up with her.He said the truth.He said "I didn't she did I fucked up by cheating and it was stupid I was cought up with everything I was at a party then this girl I will not name kissed me and I kissed back so I need to tell Leilani I'm sorry I still love her".You gave back the phone to your friend and it was time to go to bed and your friend went to her house.The next day you saw Triston {the cute guy you bumped into yesterday} You then saw Gabe go up to him then your friend came up to you and said hey what are you looking at and she looked at the area you were and she said oh Gabe...She then went up to him and slapped him!WHY DID YOU HURT HER ! What?! Triston said and Gabe said oh I need your help and then your friend said fine and he wanted to apologize to you and see if you guys can go our again. {your friend was always team Gabe so she said yes}You go to your locker and see Triston he said "your Leilani right"Yeah..I'm Triston. Oh nice too meet you . You were dating Gabriel weren't you. WAS not anymore though. So your single... Yeah i am . Well I was wondering if you want to go out sometime... Sure sounds like fun! Ok so how about tomorrow at the movies I heard paper towns is a great movie! Yeah I'm down for that! Here's my number You said . Ok I'll text you later !you then see flowers on the ground. You picked them up and it said I'm sorry and I still love you Gabe. HE HEARD EVERYTHING GYSSELLE! OMG really Gysselle said.Yeah and I feel so bad . {btw Gysselle knew everything was going to do to get her back} Yeah you should be. Gysselle said he was sorry for what he did and you just was being a dick about it. I what you said . Yeah you were a dick and you can do better. Wow Gysselle just get out of my house .Why because I'm right.GYSSELLE GET OUT.30 minutes later You got a text it's from Triston he said "hi" You then say "hi" and he replied so fast you were so blushed .He told you goodnight lovely can't wait till tomorrow you guys are not dating and you already miss him.Its the next day and you bumped into ...
Gabe you dropped your binder and your papers flew everywhere he helped you pick them up and you still don't know that it's Gabe but Gabe knows it's you you said well thank you it means your heart shutters a lot and you bite your lip and you then you walk off . You see Triston and he gives you a hug and man oh mad did you enjoy that hug . Then after that hug he walked you to your last class which meant 2 hours before your guys date . All during class you were thinking off the date class ended and you rushed home and got ready you were wearing and maroon crop top and curled your beautiful brown hair and put on a snap back and some black jeans it's was perfect until you got a text it reads *From Gabriel,I heard your dating Triston so yeah have fun on your date.* your heart shatterd. And then Triston texted and said he's on his way to your house {btw you gave him your address} you came outside and he was shocked at how beautiful you look . You guys were in a moment in the movie and you guys kissed it was a great kiss you guys ran out of the movies and you went to his house and you guys had a make out session you guys had a great time but then you remembered something you and Gabriel made a promise to not do the dirty until they say the "L" word and you thought of Gabe right then and there and you told Triston you need to go home . He said ok and then you leave and you said see you tomorrow . The next day you ignored Triston all day he tried to talk to you and you just walked away you knew you were being a dick to Triston but you thought he was pushing things to far . You guys only knew each other for 3 days. You see Gabe in the halls and you guys talked for like 4 minutes you asked if he was going to math and he said yes but with kayce his new girlfriend. You then couldn't breathe. You lost your speech you could say anything. He then asked about you and Triston and you said that you aren't going out.Gabe then got a smile on his face and said well I'll see you later. You were confused very confused. Gabe then sat next to kayce but you cought him staring at you not his girlfriend . Then you saw Triston and so did Gabe. Gabe then started to laugh and Triston said what's so funny. You have no chance with her she's way to perfect for you. You over heard and smiled at Gabe and then he gave you the I don't like you but your my friend face and you then bit your lip being nervous 😖 you then go home and and hour later you get a text from a unknown number and it said *i made a mistake* you were still confused as you were and you thought to yourself." Think Leilani is it Gabe or a random number "? I'll just text Gabe and say I need to tell him something. Suddenly you get a text and it says *from Gabriel 💖🍜 go outside...* You do it you go outside and it was Gabe you thought and you jumped in his hands and Gabe gave you a hug . You never been this happy in your whole life you then look in each other's eyes his blue crystal eyes and your brown hazel eyes and you kissed . I made a mistake a big one I never stopped loving you and I missed you! I missed you too Gabriel 😭💞 Leilani I love you! Gabe the "L" word?! I know but it's the right time!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2015 ⏰

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