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Lea a very poor child in studies who has a sister named Flimp.wheareas flimp was exellent in studies appreciated by the best of people.

Hey Flimp how do you read so much im not so intrested to even think about books after all reading is worst than any thing.I always think who has created studies.

Tomorrow is the exam u duffer Lea and you r still thinking of that nonsense question,read now or you will be failed again and this time you arein my class and all are insulting me the way by calling you my brother.

I never cared and this will be always with me,you know my 'LAZINESS'its never gonna change.

So try to change it my dear foolish brother you dont know how much our parents struggle for our fees and this time they r gonna throw you to hostle.

'HOSTLE' ohh no never ever speak it to me i hate it.

So MR lea are u reading or i should pack up with your things huh......

U have made me in trouble im gonna die there in hostle ive heard they r very strict.

Ohhhh yes they are why dint I think of itand ive also heard they r perfect on their time and if they are late they are in a gone case..

Hey dont scare me,by the way i wish i had my own wonder land instead of this home work and this boooooiring hosstle.I would have enjoyed sleeping there like nobita a cartoonist.

Ohhh plzz, you still watch cartoons.this is just incredible.

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