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Now or never,Flimp began to her work,somewhat she knew that even Lea was in a hurry and so she thought he today got to go to that hole she saw and so she planned of going behind him without even him letting to know about her.
Materials she took:
1.pepper powder
3.1pair of knife(new and sharp)
4.torch jacket(to look invisible if there is darkness)
6.biscuits(if dogs are there)
8.water bottle(2)

So this was her preparation to the night plan. Looking to her planning she was well done with it. Yet,there was a problem ,she didn't know when to go at night.FLASH!she thought of going after everyone sleeps...that was great thinking the task was to eat fast at night and to eat less(she didn't want to have loose motion of stomach pain .
So now what she did was weird, she just went and entered Lea's room and even entered the secret.. Why?why did she just go in there so fast ,what would she do if didn't know anything about where to go...OMG! What was she out to, now you will come to know...
So,she entered and started moving ahead unknowingly ,after some time her back pained because there were so many branches of a large superstitious, giant vaibig looked as a tree of about 960 floors in it .(incredibly large),Flimp was blank...?*:(?;(?...she couldn't know what new science was this ..even the scientists couldn't be able to make out what was all this about ...Flimp was too shocked that she looked like a piece of stone ...not only she but any one who See's it will be last she came out of blank pictures and starter to think if. (If) the tree breaks down then what will happen. That was a crazy and very negative thought, it was a fact to think on.
So now what happened was she was complete mess out of herself and the other interesting thing is that she doesn't know which way to move out... There were 5routes and no clue of what way she came,why,because aftering entering this part of the secret path she almost refreshed and lost her mind watching tree and the place that way that she lost her mind, she thought and thought of all the strange things like tree,some blue White soul type of spirits turning around tree as if they were worshipping the almighty of theirs...seemed crazy  also haunted but it didn't mean that it could scare Flimp...............

Although she was a girl but was very brave and courageous ,and these things were out of her mind
She didn't know where what how ?????this way she just thought thought and at last thought that 'my brother has also entered here once for the first time(YES),he also will be confused (SURE),In this case what would he do' was her thought... She almost knew the way Lea thinks and uses his brain.(uses it uselessly and doesn't care for anyone..
However,this way worked out .Was she successful to know what it was?.. OK,so what happened was that she understood that if Lea was in her position he would surely try to...(next part)

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