Biggest fears. Most people say death... But I wouldn't, to me death would be an escape from this world, this mad vulgar world. Then you would ask me, then how come your still alive? And then, then my answer would be; because I have a love.
Death is the easy escape, well it is for you. However for the people you leave behind its hell, torture. See you commit suicide to finish your life not your loved ones, even though their the people who suffer, I mean yeah, sure, your the dead one but that's what you want, that's what is easy. But for them... Well.
I grew up in a healthy family environment. That is until the accident, that's when everything changed... After he had gone, things changed. Mum became an alcoholic, she quit her job and she just sat at home drowning her sorrows. That's when 12 year old me became the one
bringing money in for us, the one supplying food, a roof over our heads and the only looking after my practically new born sister.Things got better though, well for a while. My uncle came to visit. He gave us a monthly loan which helped, but then he got called back to Australia for his business.