Lets play a game......

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Yugi's POV:

"Yugi, one of your friends are hear to see you! Come down!" I heard my gramps shout up to me.

I jump off my bed and ran down the stairs to see you it was as no one messaged me saying that they was coming round today. I reached and saw my least favourite person.

"Hello yugi!" He said with a cocky tone.

"Kaiba!..." We stared at each other with hate "leave now!" I demanded.

"I have a game that would be fun for the both of us to play...want to join me for a match?!" He said with a smirk.


"Oh come on.......or are you afraid that you will lose to me?!?" He lifted my face up by grabbing my chin so I could look directly at him.

"FINE! I'll show you that I don't lose..." I turned round to see my grandad serving a customer "....I'm heading out! Bye" then walked out before he could say goodbye to me.

I got in the limo with kaiba and went to his mansion as he smirked the whole way.

Yugi x kaiba: my game, my rules!Where stories live. Discover now