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Rei's POV:

The day was a disaster. Dongwoon didn't go to school, Jessica wouldn't shut up, Hyunseung didn't glance at me even once, and I forgot my homework.

Still.. why and how can Hyunseung shake me up, make me like him even more and give me false hopes then completely ignore me? It's kind of rude..

" Gikwang oppa, do you know why Dongwoon wasn't here today? "

" Huh? Don't you know? " he asked with curiosity. He slightly squinted his eyes as if he were waiting for me to burt out laughing and admit that everything was all a joke. However, it wasn't.

" No.. "

" He won't be able to come to school much. He's a singer, he's not very popular in America or overseas, but in Korea.. it's a whole different story. "

" Then.. why? Why did you guys transfer to this school? " I asked after a sighed a long sigh. It was quite disappointed, I wouldn't be able to see him and his hair much..

" We're staying here for a while, why? Missing him already? " Gikwang asked with a wide smirk on his face.

" Of course not, he's only a friend. " I smiled back.

" If you say so.. " he said as he pinched my cheek and giggled. I felt my cheeks turn red as they began burning. I mean, his giggle!! Soo cute!!

" REI!! REI!! " shouted Hyunseung.

" O-ppa.. " I blushed and slightly mumbled.

" Huh? Did you say something? " asked Gikwang as he looked at me. He then let go of my cheek.

" Rei! " yelled Hyunseung as he stood before me and smiled.

" What is it, Oppa? "

" Come! " He said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Gikwang; Not giving me a chance to even say goodbye.

" How about, you and I.. sing together?! " he squealed as he closed the door of the performing arts building.

" I can rap, but I'm not sure if I can sing oppa.. "

" Well, let's see! Here's the lyrics. My friend composed the song, and well.. I thought we could sing it together.. "

" You thought about me? "

" Of course! I always noticed you! I eve- " he was interrupted as someone knocked on the door. Hyunseung quickly opened the door for the young woman and let her in. From what I could tell, she was the person in charge.

" Sorry for coming in late.. " she mumbled as she bent down slightly to show her embarrassment.

" Don't worry! This is Rei, and she's going to be my duet partner. "

"Nice to meet you, I'm Rei.. " I shyly said. Instead of introducing herself, she slightly chuckled and smile at me.

I looked down at the paper Hyunseung had given me and read the lyrics.

Yo no matter what anyone says, I'm the queen
Every man tries to have me (that's right)
Oh you're a honey bee, I'm a blooming flower
There's a long line forming behind me
Yo I'm very quick-witted, I know everything you're thinking
You want me, my legs and my waist, I feel your heart
It's hot like Apollo
If you don't have the confidence, then adios amigo

My eyes suddenly widened when I got to one of my solo parts, the lyrics..

" You want me, my legs and my waist. Oppa, I can't rap this! "

" Of course you can! " he encouraged me. I looked at the lurics, then at him and slightly smiled. I didn't want to disappoint him at all.

" Umm, sorru to interupt, but everything's ready. If you guys are ready we can start any time now. "

"Let's go Rei! "

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