Chapter 1

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Seth POV

   I ran through the forest as a blur with my light brown fur moving wildly in my eyes. My paws making contact with the ground gracefully as I made long leaps. When I heard her gaining on me as I pushed myself harder. Shooting off with speed with my newfound energy, I avoided all of the thick branches and fallen trees. I went on like this for a while until I didn't hear her at all. With the all the adrenaline still pounding in my ears, I hid behind a decaying tree to mask over my scent and attempted to control my breathing. I phased back from my wolf form and quickly put on my dark denim jeans as I sniffed the air. I however didn't catch her usual lilac and freesia scent. She should've been in hearing sniffing distance by now. I slowly stepped out from behind the tree and walked cautiously around the forest while paying attention to every sound of the forest. Whilst waiting for her I sat down and concentrated on the surrounding natures around me. I heard the wind slowly making the flowers flow and dance to its will as it did with the grass. Pushing my ears, I heard the animals from miles away lapping at the nearby pond while the dragonflies skimmed the silent pond making soft ripples. As I continued my peaceful meditation on the surrounding natures, I was interrupted by a soft giggle making my eyes shoot open. Before I could fully become aware of what was happening, I was hit and flew through the air at seven feet. Landing on the decaying tree, I finally smelled that similar scent. Lilacs and freesias. I chuckled without attempting to get up.

"Congrats. You finally took down a wolf. Your getting quite good at the whole hunting thing." I said in a calm voice not phased at the fact I just got tackled. I heard her melodic laugh once again.

"I'm glad you approve." I looked up and smiled as Renesmee slowly came from behind the big oak tree. I grunted as I got up from the broken tree and slowly walked toward her as she sat there with a smug smile on her face. I laughed at her.

"Don't get cocky Nessie. You got me once in all of the 152 years of your existence. That's hardly something to brag about."

"Hey, its big for me. Your just mad because your ego just had a wake up call." Can't argue bout that. "Come on. I want to go tell Jake." Her face brightened up at saying his name. My heart had a pang of jealousy internally but externally, I held a bright smile for her. We ran toward the Cullen Mansion that Esme again had constructed and walked through the huge glass door. As soon as we did Jake bounded out of the hallway and gave Nessie a crushing hug and a hard kiss, which she eagerly returned. My heart panged again.

So? How was it? Were you close again?" He asked eagerly. The rest of the family came in with their respected mates waiting for her answer. 

"Hmm... I don't know. How did I do Seth?" She asked with a sly smile on her face. Everyone turned the attention to me. I rolled my eyes at her cockiness.

"She was okay."

"Sethhhhhh.... She growled. I laughed at getting the reaction I was hoping for.

"Fine, fine. Nessie actually .. well, she got me this time. Even though I was distracted." I thought I should attempt to keep at least some of my manliness. The room erupted into cheers and everyone crowded around her. Nessie laughed and smiled at the attention.

"It was only once guys!" I exclaimed.

"Dude, your mad cause you got beat by a girl." Emmett said knowingly. Stupid vampires.

"Whatever" I smirked it off so they would know I really didn't care. After everyone calmed down I told them that I had to go home. They all said bye as I headed out. When I got to the small yet not so small house, I quickly made a huge bowl of pasta and chicken. After dinner I took a shower to wash the grass and dirt that was in places grass and dirt should never be. I wasn't tired so I went to watch TV. After two football games, I felt groggy. I dragged myself down the hall and stopped at the family picture. It was all the Cullens including me and Jake. After Nessie became seven they decided to leave Forks. To say Jake was pissed was an understatement. To say I didn't make a scene as well would be a lie. Could you blame me? My best friend, Nessie was going to leave. Jake was invited and that noticeably calmed his and Nessie's tantrums. I tagged along as well. As the years continued on, all the people who were alive when we were at Forks died. Along with all the wolves who imprinted so that they could be with their humans. Jake and I didn't take that so well. So 145 years later we are back. As I looked at the picture hanging on my tan wall, I couldn't but feel those secret feelings in my chest that I had been getting since a decade ago. Depression, jealously, and even doubt.

I stared intensely at the feelings only increased to the brink of insanity. Jacob got with Nessie 5 years after we moved away from Forks and married 2 years later. Edward with Bella, Alice  with Jasper, Emmett with Rosalie, and Carlisle with Esme. They all smiled brightly whist in loving embraces with their partners. With a spark noticeable in their eyes. Then me. With nothing to smile so openly about, with no one to share loving gestures with. The only one without that spark in his eye. They have someone to love. I have no one. Why am I here!? Why am I forever living on this earth? What is the meaning of living if there's nothing, or no one to live for? A single soft tear rolled down my cheek as it usually does when I look at the photo every night. Even more depressed than usual I silently opened my door to my room and got in my king sized bed. I closed my eyes and awaited the sleep that would open me up to my happy façade. The act that I put on everyday where I act like I'm happy, content with life, with this existence. I couldn't help but feel I might explode soon. That the ever growing depression will swallow me whole and I'll lose it. I can feel my self slowly losing my self; slipping through my own fingers. I accepted that long time ago though. That I wont ever have anyone . I wont ever have anyone to love, kiss, hug, or just stare. No one's out there for me. I've been almost  everywhere and I've found no one. I'm a loner. I'm forever alone.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A/N/ So I decided to start over. I hope this is better than the other crapp. First story but I love advice and suggegstions. Dont be shy !

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2013 ⏰

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