Love of My life

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yes everyone has been in love. We have been in love since the day we are born. We love our family, our lives and sometimes the nice things we own. There are many things we love but nothing beats the love for another person. That someone when your hearts beat at the same pace when meet them and u just always want to be with them. That's a special love that i had. It started as a middle school crush. She was just so amazing but i never had the guts to talk to her. I knew her from band. She played the trombone, had beautiful curly but messy hair, eyes that sparkled like the night time stars, a figure that made hourglasses jelouse and her smile. Her smile could just light up the room. When ever we were waiting to play in a concert i would always catch myself staring at her. Admiring her beutiful features. I would always smile and when she turned to look at me i would quickly turn away and make it seem like i was looking for someone else or found someone that i was going to talk to. She was a year younger then me though, i didn't even know her name or anything about her and yet i was just mesmorized and in love with her. When graduation came up and i was moving on to highschool to become a freshmen i was praying that i would get to see her again, become good friends with her and maybe, just maybe with the slightest bit of luck be more then just friends. The one to put that beutiful smile of her's on her face. The one i can always complament make other girls jealous of her extrodinary beauty. When i was a freshmen i felt so lonely not being able to see her again in band. I thought of her everday and of all the things that i wanted to say to her but i really just wanted to know her name. I knew that a girl that beutiful girl like that had to have a beautiful name. I did have a girlfriend my freshmen year and she did look like her but it wasent the same. Came Sophmore year i was single and still had thoughts of that beautiful girl from middleschool in my head. I had so many questions but no one who could answer them about her like is she still going to our school, is she taking band her freshmen year, will i ever see her again? The two biggest questions that were on my mind though was what is her name and do i have a chance? It was band camp in summer and i was about to die. I actually saw her. She was here in band camp still playing the same instrument and still the most beutiful girl i remember her to be. She looked like she did not age or change one bit. It was the best two weeks of my life I thought. I was great cause from my marching spots on the field and the way i faced i got to watch her the whole time without looking like a creep or perv. She marched so gracfully in the band, was an awsome musical player and when she wore the uniform for our field shows she had the kind of vibe where she had her mind set but yet was stil so helpful and kind. She looked super cute though in the uniform and there wasen't a time that i would come out of the locker room with my uniform, see her and think damn my uniform looks like crap compared to her's. I finally had the guts to talk to her during band camp and i did. I found out her name was Lokai. O when she told me her name my heart just melted into a puddle of red liquid. Her voice was so sweet and soft that it was like angles speaking to me. Yes thats i how much of a crush that i had on her. I got to know her a bit more from band camp and man was she just absolutly amazing. She was not only drop dead beutiful. She was also kind, funny, sweet, smart, crazy in a good way and just some many more things that i just cant name them all. She always left me speechless when ever i talked to her and looked like an idiot infront of her. I didn't mind though cause she just had the cutiest laugh ever and i couldn't help but smile when she did. My favorite memory though of band camp besides finding out her name and seeing her again was one night after a show were all getting picked up by our parents. She was standing alone with me waiting for her ride and mine was there. I went up to her and asked her what would happen if i gave u a kiss. She told me dont u dare. i will slap u. I said okay and then saw a pizza hut car. I said o look at that some ordered pizza she turned to look at the car and when she did i took my chance and kissed her on the cheeck, told her bye and went to the care and went home. She was so mad at me but it was totally worth it. We continued to talk through the rest of band camp, summer and into highschool. I found though that she had a bf and i was heart broken to hear that but i just kept my head up and hoped that i maybe had a chance. She was having issues with him and she and i became like really close but good friends. However i shouldn't have gotten my hopes up so high for the future me and her were going to have. She trusted me to tell me that she was bi and that there was this other girl that she liked. She also told me that she broke up with her bf and i told her about my crush on her from middleschool. It confused her on who she wanted to be with. Me and guy who she really didn't know till band camp and had a crush on her from middle school or take her chances with a girl that she has known longer and is also a close friend of hers. It was a hard choice for her and told her that i would be there for her if she wanted to talk and stuff. Of course my crush got in the way and i did try to push her more in my favor but she just wanted to think about it. I let her of course. We hung out and stuff during and after school. She just continued to think about it though. One day i asked her if she would like to go to the mall with me down the road from our school. She said yes and off we went. Just me and her, no one else...... We hung out till about a little after sun down. We were waiting on the turminal steps for my mom so i we could give her a ride home. She sat next to me and i just couldn't help but keep admiring her beauty and she then turned to me after we were talking and asked me, "Will u go out with me?" My heart just froze right there, my brain went dead, my mouth numb and i could have swore i just died there for a second. Lokai the girl of dreams come to the choice that she wanted to go out with me. I was also concerened though and asked her if this is what she really wanted. I asked her about the other girl and she said that she had found someone though that she could love more. I was so happy that day. I said yes and she then said i would really love it right now if u kissed me. Again i died for a good 5 seconds. Then i told her that i was really nervous about wanting to kiss her but i really did. I grew a pair had her look at me with her beutiful eyes and then i went in for the kiss. It was amazing her lips were so soft. It was like kissing a cloud. She was an amazing kisser. We kissed for about  full 10 min. or less. I didn't want my mom to come get us anymore. I just wanted to stay there with her all night just kissing her. She really was a good kisser for some one who had never had a first kiss before. After the 10 or so min. of kissing i looked up and saw my moms car coming so we stopped grabbed our stuff and gave her a ride home. We went out for five months. Those were the best five months of my life. We broke up though cause of my mental problem of my last gf that she couldn't stand anymore. I still loved her though and wanted to stay with her but i was heart broken, confused on what i wanted to do and tell her that i wanted to stay with her that i didn't. Later that same day when i got my head on strait and wanted to tell her that i want to still stay with u. She then told me that she's now going out with this other girl. I cried that night over losing her and a couple more nights after. I can't even say the right things to her anymore without hurting her and we don't talk anymore. My heart still feels the pain though when ever i see her with gf and it just kills me. Ill never find a love like that again. Thats the life of my love and hopefully things will turn around.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2013 ⏰

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