need I.

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Trapped within the throws of lust and passion, my hunger for one person sent me tumbling off the edge. Bliss was a rarity for me, ecstasy was a stranger I'd met in a spontaneous way. Truth be told, my body opening up to any man was something I felt wouldn't happen again... Now that I had been proven wrong -- I was at a loss.

A major loss indeed.

Attachment begins as slight infatuation, you're intrigued by that person. Sometimes you want nothing more than to please them, see them smile, see them satisfied. When it wound down to this man, it was more than that. Happiness was something dire, I needed to make that happen. Even if it were to only occur casually.

In my mind, the same words repeated. I want to see him happy. Even if it isn't for long...

I had plenty of time to spend and plenty of ideas to please, that's exactly who I was. A pleaser, a lover, my heart was just as big as my backside.

Therefore here I was, forced to swallow all the things I desperately want to confess with my wanting. All my desires could come out on the table, it runs much deeper than sex. A person so beautiful internally while also having captivating looks on the surface is what has me still; here I am draped in pink lace. My delicate, curvaceous frame positioned on my side as I nervously fidget and wait for a reaction. Haven't felt this beautiful since I unknowingly carried the confidence as a young girl, in need of mending. As an adult, I embraced my anatomy only when it came to sex, never appreciating how powerful I was.

"What if this is too much? What if I look horrible?" I murmured aloud. My eyes fell on the digital clock next to the bed, my teeth chewing on my bottom lip.

When I decided to make a full u-turn referring to my sudden idea for a tease, the door opened and as usual he makes my heart move with the speed of an out of control race car. Cliche to say the least but like a high school girl, I get butterflies, my heart hammers.

"Hey there..." His dimples form in his cheeks as a wide grin is etched across his face.

"Hi..." I giggle like an idiot, somehow he tolerated my goofy behavior.

Our relationship was new to me, still a breath of fresh air, this was someone I considered a close friend in recent months. Yet, on the inside, I screamed wishing for more. I wanted to wake up and see that smile every day - my own inner turmoil didn't matter. Outside of our busy schedules and now separate workplaces, I felt a bond was developing. I blushed. My brown skin having a glow, my body exposed to his gaze under the lighting.

Definitely could say my like was great, with plenty reason. This is was someone who could be everything I ever wanted, yet I have to rely on simple things... Friendship, just being in his presence was enough. I regained ability to move from the position I sat in for a few minutes, sauntering over to him. Sexy is something I failed to grasp, maybe I was still too child-like.

I have an obsession with his smile, so the need to caress his face was addicting once I had been pulled into a hug. Inhaling his scent, I got lost in my own head. At this moment, I was so lost that my body was unaware I was naked. Lifting my head, I dragged all of my passion to seal it into a kiss. Our lips touched and fire was sparked. My skin burned but in the greatest Of ways, I had to remind myself this person wasn't mine but oh how I imagined he was. All my intentions were good while some thoughts were a bit naughty, my fantasies were on maximum.

I need him. All of him.

My nipples hard against his chest, his hands groping and caressing every defined curve... I smirked against his lips with my fingers tracing his member. Without saying much, our sexual encounters would start off innocent despite how gritty they'd become. My clit pulsing, my center throbbing and wet just from anticipation to feel him. His fingers now slipped in between the sheer fabric to play with my clit, I gasped. My breaths were more urgent as I moaned his name, on the tip of my tongue I felt he deserved all of me and then some. His massive bulge pressed against me while I gripped it firmly, a soft giggle leaving my lips at the sound of his grunts left me even more eager.

"Do you want to taste me baby?" I managed to whisper in a seductive manner.

My inner sex goddess had emerged.

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