Chapter 1 - How We All Came To Be This Way

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Hi, so my name is Patryk. I've got three best friends named Kallie, Angela, and Christian. They are really cool individuals. Before we start about what's happening now, I feel like you should know about our pasts. We'll start with myself.

My name is Patryk Trapp. I'm a 17 year old kid. I worked at a small company in my home town located in Colorado. One day I was late for work during a storm, but not just a regular storm. No. There was something special with this one. The way the wind howled, the way the raindrops hit the surface of the ground, the cars, the buildings. It almost seemed like a solid rather than a liquid. Not only all this but the thunder almost hit in patterns. Flash, flash, boom, flash, boom, boom. A storm like this was wild, especially for where I lived. I knew something would come of this storm, I just didn't know what. My co-worker had two kids who were very easily manipulated by their father. Their mother worked as a scientist. She studied the weather, mainly winds. She knew exactly how man could make super winds from her intriguing research. As I pulled into the lot I had a bad feeling something was going to happen. I could go with my instinct or I'd lose my job. I was out of sick days and I was already late as is, so I proceeded to get out of my car and hurry to the building. This building was big for a smaller city. Made of metal and glass, it was a beautiful sight to see. As I was running to the building I heard a huge howl, not from an animal, but from the wind. I looked up to see what I would've never thought I'd see in my life. A perfectly horrendous tornado formed almost instantaneous on top of the building. I figured if it were to happen that it'd be small at first like normal, natural, tornadoes. But this one? No. Within the blink of an eye it was taking the building to the ground. Split the thing dead in half. The whirling winds stole rocks that were imbedded in the ground, throwing them around like a professional quarterback. I went to turn and run from my car only to find my self on the ground instantly as I tripped over my suitcase I had dropped in fear of the monstrous storm. "What the hell is happening?!" I exclaimed as I turned to see the building parading down towards me. I knew I wouldn't make it out of there. There was no way! I was hopeless! Either way I had to try. It was either I died trying to live or I died a quitter. I tried to get to my car in time but I was being bombarded with rocks and the wind was knocking me of balance. I had fallen for the last time. I turned to face my death and accept it. The building was just feet away from my face. "This isn't normal. No storm should form with this much instant force..." And those were my last words as the building shattered overtop of me.

I rose up about five minutes after I was crushed underneath the fallen building. I turned and faced my body. It was horrifying. I was turned into a prop for Halloween or a horror movie. Glass was piercing about every square inch of my body, rocks brushed my skin in several spots, some rocks found their way into my pores and got stuck in them. I was hideous now. "I swear I will find who did this. This has to be at someone's fault, I just know it!" I protested.

Hello, my name is Kallie Hartmen. I'm a 17 year old girl. I don't like talking to people I don't know much. I'm just a pretty shy person if you don't know me. My fate was very strange. I'm not very sure myself what happened at the end of all this. Either way this is my story. Kallie went to WoodCreek High School, she was on the swim team and track team of the school. She wasn't the fastest swimmer nor the fastest runner, but she wasn't the worst. One day after swim practice after everyone had left she was at her gym/swim locker, in the girls locker room she had changed into regular clothes, and just as she had put on her black converse, a loud noise of metal being smashed in came from the other side of the lockers. She quietly shut her locker and krept towards the locker room door. But before she could leave a hand grabbed her shoulder, pulling her back towards the locker she tried to pull away but he wouldn't let go. Her head was smashed against the locker and her vision blurred a little. "Let go of me!" she screamed. The person stayed silent, she couldn't get a good look at their face except the details that confirmed he was a man possibly in his thirties. She finally got away from him and ran out of the locker rooms as fast as she could yet the man still caught up to her, right as she tried opening the door knob she felt the metal of a sharp knife cut at her wrist, she pulled it away but the man grabbed it and continued to cut it until their was no hand connected anymore. She screamed in agony, staring at her wrist. The man soon dragged her towards the pool, and shoved her in. She started gasping for air and as her head reached the surface she screamed "Don't do this!" Her throat burned as the chemical filled water started to fill it, soon the man walked away, she started swimming towards the edge of the water Untill the man came back, and dropped an electrical cord into the water. Her body jolted with electricity then her vision darkened, she woke up still in the high school leaning over the pool, holding the electrical cord. "What did I do?" She ran out of the swimming area, and hid in the woods near the high school. Later that evening on the news "A man in his 30s was found in the bottom of the WoodCreek high school pool, he appeared to be electrocuted, seconds before he had fallen into the water and drowned. Another observation by the police was "Karma is evil isn't it?" was scratched into the pool wall in big letters. So yeah, I have no idea if I'm dead or not really. Nobody knows...

Hi there, my name is Angela Shade. I'm a 17 year old girl just like Kallie, except, different personalities. My fate was determined by my friend Kallie's fate in a way. I just couldn't handle the loss of my best friend. Well, here's my story. I can't tell it myself because it horrifies me to think about it still, so this is how the story was covered. After Angela Shade found out her best friend, Kallie Hartmen, had died, she couldn't stop crying. She eventually ran out into the woods to calm down. Soon, it started to get dark. She finally decided to leave when something hit her, and everything went black. The next time she woke up, she was in a basement. There was a dim light above her and she noticed there was blood dripping to the floor. Something must have hit her in the head. She also saw that her hands where tied to a chair, along with her feet. She went to move, to try to escape, until she saw a shadow. There was a man,  and he had a gun, pointed to her head. "So, what's your name little girl?" He asked. She didn't respond. She knew better than to give her name away. "Answer me..." She stayed silent. "Do you want to die? Answer me, NOW." Of course, she sat there. She didn't want to put her family in danger. That was the one thing her father always told her, family comes first. Then she herd the gun fire. For some reason she appeared in the woods, right where this nightmare had started. Was she Dead? No, but she couldn't have been alive. She started to walk around, trying to find a way out of the woods and stopped at a lake. When she saw her reflection, she was in fact a shadow. That was the last thing she saw. She grew angry at the sight of herself and then formed an idea. She was going to make sure that man remembered her name forever. The next night the man was sitting at his house, happy as ever, until the power turned off. He frowned and walked over to the window but it wasn't raining. He shrugged and decided to go to bed. He peacefully laid down when he noticed a figure on the wall. The shadow sure wasn't his. He sat up and stared at it. For a long time, nothing happened... But then the shadow seemed to melt off the wall and turn into a shape. It looked like a human. When it looked at him, it was himself. "Hey, you remember me don't you?"  The voice seemed like a girls, which was weird. The man just stared and shook his head. "What-What are you?" "Oh, I'm just your shadow." When the police found the man, he was in a corner. Sweating, crying, and shivering. His eyes seemed soulless. The only thing he was muttering, was a name. They thought it was the name of his loved one... Angela Shade.

Hi guys, I'm the last one here and probably the least exciting. My name is Christian James. I'm also 17 year old but, I'm a guy. Surprise, surprise! Anyway. I'm the most human one here because I never did die. I just hang around with these people because they are my friends. Dead or not I still care about them. That's really all to say about my. I'm not that exciting. All I can really say is I'm dating Angela Shade.

Well there you have it. We are just a bunch of dead, and just weird, teens. Now how's that for a life. 16 years of life and at least one year of being dead and counting.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2015 ⏰

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