lucy the dragon slayer

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After Lucy met with acnologia he explained the whole situation to Lucy, Lucy was shocked of what she heard

"So what you are saying is that my mother was a dragon slayer and a celestial mage?!"

"Yes Lucy your mother kept it secret from everybody"

"What did my mom said to you before she died"

"She said to train you to be a dragon slayer but unlike natsu, gajeel and Wendy that were born and trained, I will make you into to 4 years old and train you is that alright lucy?"

"Ok but I don't know how to call you?"

"Lucy if you want you can call me father ok"

"Then can I call you daddy?"

"Call me whatever you want lucy"

Acnologia turned lucy into 4 years old

By then lucy was taught elemental magic, dark, shadow, light, etc. And celestial magic that she already have but she can summon all her celestial spirits at once.

One day a exceed egg landed and lucy kept it safe she raised it and named it (sorry but its a boy not a girl sorry) Jeff, Jeff was more over protective and snaps if lucy is being threatend.

"Lucy I'll be going some where-"

He was interrupted by lucy

"Daddy I don't care where you are going but please com back safe"

He sights

"Oh lucy you worry too much about me"

Lucy reaches to kiss him in the cheek

"Well I'll be back in a few days lucy, ok stay here in the forest don't go and anywhere else ok"

"Yes daddy"

Acnologia left lucy and Jeff alone

"Ok lucy you have to choose a fake name something that starts with the letter 'j"

"How about jasmine"




"Or Jane?"

"Well go with that for now"

Then like for a hour a boy with blonde hair and a boy with black hair came into the forest along with two exceeds a red one and and froggy one the four of them noticed me.

"Hey there why are you hiding" the boy with the blonde hair said

"Come out we won't harm you its okay"the black hair one said

"Fro thinks so too!"

"Hey what's your name, I'm sting and he's-"

Suddenly interrupted by the boy that has black hair

"I'm rogue pleased to meet you"

"I-I-I'm J-J-Jane acnologia and h-he's Jeff"

Rogue patts me in the head gentally

"Oh we have to go bye Jane"

"Your right sting bye bye Jane"

"Bye sting, bye rogue hey will both of you come back tomorrow?"

Lucy The Dragon SlayerWhere stories live. Discover now