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Daniella: 11 years old
Harry: 16 years old


10 years earlier

Third person POV

At 3 am, Daniella Salazar sat quietly on her bed. Loud screams of anger were heard coming from the room next to hers. She didn't know why her parents were yelling at one another but she knew it wasn't good. The screams selfishly grew louder as if they had no clue their daughter was in the next room over. Amelia Salazar, the mother of the frightened girl, was angry. So angry at Manuel Salazar, the father of the frightened girl, for cheating on her hours before; even though she told him never to do it again. Manuel promised her to never see the mistress he had been seeing. But he apparently just couldn't stop. Amelia screamed so much at him that she felt as if she were about to explode. The thought of her innocent daughter trying to sleep in the next room was long gone.
Back in Daniella's room. She sat on her bed tired. She was tired from the hours of basketball practice she had earlier that day and just tired of their constant yelling. She didn't know what else to do but to go over and tell them to stop yelling. As she walked to the door the screams became louder. She quickly and quietly opened the door and slipped inside. Her attempts to make her mother stop yelling were no match to her angry screams. Her father noticed Daniella from the corner of his eye and tried to get Amelia to stop. But his attempts as well as Daniella's failed. Daniella had no choice but to run over to her furious mother in fright to calm her down. But again her attempts were failed when her mother roughly pushed her away. As Daniella fell onto the ground something in her snapped. She stood up and glared at her mother angrily. With tears coming down her face rapidly, she demanded  "Stop yelling!" just before she ran down the stairs and into the night. She ran and ran until she reached her favorite place in the world, the park.


Harry Styles was always told that he was a troubled teen. He concluded he was one because he never really knew what loving someone felt like especially for his no good father. His father would constantly come back piss drunk from the pub. He was always in a horrible mood when he came back. And he would always let his anger towards him and his helpless mother. It had began since Harry was a young boy. And one day he had enough of his father's wrath. Something in him had snapped into millions of pieces when he saw his mother with a large bruise on her face. Harry felt like he had no choice but to beat the absolute crap out of his father for hurting his mother again; which led to his mother to send him to his aunt's across the country just for defending her. He never really understood why she would choose his pathetic father over him but he didn't really care anymore. It wasn't that he didn't love her it was that she pushed him too far away from her life that he gave up on her trying to help. Now that he did he had felt more free than he had ever been in his entire life. It didn't matter that he had to leave behind his mates, it only mattered that he was finally free.
Presently, he sat on a park swing. Bored out of his mind. He was puffing a cigarette from the corner of his mouth. He had become a pro at stealing them from the old man at the old beat up market. The man never had it coming he thought slyly. As he took another puff he heard the swing next to him jiggle then he heard little sniffs. He turned to see an adorable younger girl crying. Concerned for her he asks, "hey are you okay?" She turns to look at him and shakes her head. He sighs quietly. "What's wrong? What are you doing here so late....or early?"
She answers with a small trembling voice, "My mom and dad were fighting again. And I tried to stop my mom but she pushed me to the ground so I came here to get away from them." As she finished her explanation she starts to sob. Harry felt furious at the stupid parents for allowing her to be exposed to violence at a young age like he was and for not taking more care of her. He knew it would be better if he were to calm her down. He didn't know her very well but he felt protective of her. "What's your name?" He asks with caution. "My name is Daniella," she sniffles. "That's such a pretty name for such a pretty girl." She smiles a big smile, her mood brightening up instantly. "Thank you,sir. What's your name?" He smiles back at her, "I'm Harry."
"I like your name, my rabbit's name is Hairy too. You both are the exact same except that he has more hair than you. And that he's a rabbit."
"I love his name. I think I would like to meet him. So we can introduce ourselves. 'Hi Hairy I'm Harry." He laughs. She smiles once again, the sadness of her mother pushing her away were long gone. He smiles back just as brightly. And for the first time in his entire life he finally knew how loving someone felt like.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2016 ⏰

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