The Truth

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I left early that morning only leaving a note for the keepers letting them know what to tell the others. The note concluded that ~I went out for a run, and to catch up with an old friend won't be back until late. Breakfast should be ready when you all wake up. Afterwards I have a training court you can use to your advantage.~

I would have to say I'm really nervous as to how this 'meeting' is going to go. I can tell you this I'm not ready to learn the truth but I'm read for the heart ache that it is going to cause. Looking up I see the office building that I've never seen before. Without a hesitation I open the door and step in.

Really I'm here way before I should be but seeing the looks of the attendants face they expected this.

"Miss Kanashima they are waiting on the second floor room 205. Please knock three times and state your name. They will let you in after that"

I nodded and started to the stairs after saying my thanks to her. Every step seemed to get even heavier as I walked. The question still stayed in my mind. How do I look like Daiki if I'm not an Aomine my self? What is does explain as to why the other family members always hated me. I remember always wanting attention from the family but never getting it. Only Daiki would always be there for me, until we started to get older then he shunned my like everyone else. Maybe he knows about all of this to and this is why he stopped being there.

Lost in my thoughts and old memories I find myself at the dreaded door. 205. I raised my hand as the world around me seemed to be frozen in place.

One ......




I held my breath. Maybe it's not to late to just turn around and leave. Yeah that seems like a gre-


Fuck my life. I let out the breath I was holding and walked into the room. Inside were three older looking men. Not to old I'd say around 35-40. I nodded my head in greeting. I felt out of place. They were dressed in suits while I was in gym attire. The normal basketball shorts and a cut off shirt. Well damn already not making a good impression but hell what am I supposed to do? I've never done this before.

"Now I understand that you know why your here? If not to sum it up we will explain why your not who you think you are. Your name Kanashima Aomine is not real. There is no one under that name in medical files with birth dates. After further investigation we found that you were adopted into the Aomine family. Now your looks are actually explained. We talked to the grandparents of Daiki Aomine and they explained your situation to us."

So they did know. That's why they hated me. I knew something was wrong all this time. I stared into the eyes of the man speaking.

"Your father and Daikis were very close friends. Often mistaken as twins everywhere they went. After many years of getting questioned the two took it upon themselves to get tested to see if there was any relation at all. After multiple times of getting tested they had to except the fact they they just looked alike naturally. There was not psychological explanation but they both stayed close. After getting married the two never strayed far from each other. Even the wives became close. So close that when they figured out they were pregnant the due dates were only a month apart. On Daikis date of birth your mother and father were trying there best to get there for the other two. In addition to being in such a rush it was raining. As you can probably see where the story is going the car crashed. Your parents were rushed into the same hospital as the Aomines. While Daiki was in the nursery, his parents were along side yours even though one just gave birth. The wreak thrown your father threw the windshield ending in deep cuts they they could not stop the bleeding to. Your mother's organs were somehow crushed and was sent to emergency C-Section."

All of this was setting in so quickly my eyes stated to tear up rapidly. I couldn't help but to think of all the things being said right now and how fast all this was processing! They stopped talking so I could calm down.

"I'm sorry please continue"

My voice was very weak but I held my tears back. I needed to finish this story even though I know how it ends I need to know.

"They were able to stabilize you and your mother. The other two and Daiki stayed at the hospital to stay with your mother. She then asked them to become your godparents. They immediately agreed. From what was said she smiled and said herself Kanashima and then her life was taken from this world. From that day on you were known as Kanashima Aomine"

I stood up and walked toward the door. Before opening it to leave I spoke.

"You said that name didn't exist. What is my real last name so I cannot be lied to anymore?"

The smiled. As to why I have no clue. The man who talked to me walked up behind me and put a hand upon my shoulder.

"Your last name is Igarashi. Thank you for your time and I hope you can now feel at ease."

I nodded and hurried from that room. I needed to get home. That's all that was on my mind.

Actually no.. Another question I wanted an answer for was who called to know about me? If it were the Aomines they would have just told me know they first place. No this was someone else. Someone who didn't know me and wanted information. I won't worry about that right now. First I need to help my team become the best in Japan and I will go from there.

*time skip*

When I got back to the house I was bombarded with questions. Why was I late? Who was I with? Why did I look so pale? All the questions broke me. A single tear made its way down my cheek before I was able to realize what all was happening. Instantly Kagami was at my side hugging to hide me from the other.

"Leave us! You've pushed her to far go!"

All of them left beside him and Kuroko. From what Kagami now told me he heard all that was said last night.

I took both of them to my room and told them the whole truth behind my life of lies. There faces were pure shock to anger to sympathy and back to shock.

"In a way I'm happy it ended up this way. It feels like a huge weight is gone from my shoulders. I shouldn't complain I'm sure others have had it worse that me"

"Shima-chan your always trying to be positive"

Kuroko gave me a nickname? Alright far enough.

"Thanks Tetsuya, I try my hardest"

"Well Kana now that you know who are you really?"

Getting to the point Kagami asks the question I'm sure both have been wanting to know

"Igarashi and I want to tell the team at practice tomorrow they all deserve to know"

"Are you sure you will be alright?"

Kagami always looking out for me. Never once has he left me behind. I nodded and he gave his signature grin. Kuroko just slightly smiles gets up to leave. I thank them both. They seemed confused but I have them away.

Tomorrow everyone knows the truth. Good but now I'll have to track down those Generation of Miracles guys and explain myself to then to. What a pain!

Hey guys I finally updated! Spelling errors are probably going to be present but hey give me a break its 2:30 in the morning and my sister is in labor. My ideas for this story finally hit for a good chapter! Anyone get anything for dear season?

Oh crap! Hey started another story on Psycho Pass! One chapter up! Anyone fans of that anime? I know I am its awesome I would recommend it to anyone! Anyway if you want check out some of my other stories. Also a big thank you for the votes comments and follows. They make me happy. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy this new chapter :) also hope this helps with confusion as to why the look so much alike I had this planned from the beginning so I can see why its confusing but I think it is going to turn out to be a decent story don't you agree with me or not?

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