Time to Move Again!!

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Dear Journal,
I was sitting in an empty kitchen, staring at the large pool in the backyard feeling lonely. What has happened to make it this way? Only the worst thing imaginable to any kid, moving. My parents are taking me from my childhood town and driving/flying us across the country. My beautiful L.A. house is being left behind and this new house is trying to replace it. Here's what went down to get to this 'rugged' small town of Monks Corner, South Carolina.

I am sitting through school, gloomy and unhappy as my friends could quite obviously see. At lunch two of my friends, Hanna and Heather walk up to our table, setting their deep red plastic lunch trays down with a soft thud. They slip into their seats, their matching brown hair swaying side to side, silently ask me whats wrong with their piercing blue eyes. I glance down at my food, swirling the spaghetti noodles and sauce around my plate before picking up a small bite and placing it in my mouth. "What is wrong with you?" they ask in unison. I swear those girls need to be away from each other for a few days. Twins freak me out with the talking together stuff.

"I'm moving to South Carolina," I answered, rolling my eyes before continuing,"Do you even know where it is? Who thought it was a good idea to make it look like a slice of pizza? I mean what's the point?"

"Ok we'll come over later and talk, you seem to stressed right now," Hannah said calmly, starting to eat while Heather chats our ears off about anything that comes to mind.

Later, i'm sitting in my house, eating a light snack when the door opens and Hannah and Heather walk in. We chat about things that happened in our classes today, sliding around the topic they came here to talk about.

"So yeah tonight i'll be leaving,"  I said, starting up a long and sad conversation between us three.

At 12 i'm sitting in the house, staring at the door for the last time as my dad revs the engine in the hot and stuffy car. We arrive at the airport a bit late and get ushered to the gate quickly. We board the plane and find our seats. The plane is pretty empty. No one must want to go to South Carolina, I think to myself while I stare out the window.

A few hours later I'm standing in front of the old house in a neighborhood. It's an off white color and has black shingles. There's a tree quite a few meters tall in a plant box with small shrubs around it. There's also a small magnolia tree with blooming white flowers. The houses around the neighborhood mirror my new house color wise, but all the shapes are different. My house also seems tree wise since only a few others have little saplings. None of the trees touch our monster which sort of makes me happy.

The inside is bare as we had asked for it since we decided to bring our furniture and other items. The school is a few minutes away and a bus comes around to pick us up. All in all the town is pretty small and spread out but I like it because L.A. was so crowded and packed together. Even though I like the sound of trains as they passed by and roared their horns, crickets have steadily risen as my favorite thing to hear before bed.

I might not have liked moving and leaving all my friends and places I know well, but I'm sure this small, homey little town will welcome me joyously and make it my new home.

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