Chapter 4

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The snow is already fall down again. I watch it fall from my window. I wear my sweater. And I heard the engine car just arrived in front of our house. It's dad who just come home from the office.

"How can I learn to fishing with dad while snow is fall down?" I asked myself.

My phone ringing. It's message.

Hey, Jon.
Already had a plan for Christmas?

It's Buchholz that sent me a message.

Well, I haven't made a plan for Christmas anyway, probably just stay home is fine for me.

I wish I had one. I probably stayed home.
But my father want to teach me how to fishing.

I believe I will like it very much. Beside baseball, I also had so many interesting hobbies that I want do. But now, it just baseball.

Fishing? Interesting. When?

I don't know. He doesn't tell me when.
But I will come with him.
So, what are you doing now in there?

I play my guitar.
At least try to play one melody to entertain my night. My parents are out to somewhere. But I choose to stay home because I'm too tired.

Just because he played guitar there, I know we have things that same. I can play guitar too. But maybe I never show to someone, especially my parents. I play guitar to just spend my time alone in my bedroom.

I gotta go, okay? I want to go to bed.
Already tired enough this day.

Okay. Well, take your time.
See you in another series after the new year.

I never play a song since I got myself to the college. I love to listening to country music. I usually listen to it when I try to calm my mind after had a long tired activity.

"Lester?" Mom called.

I turn around, and she already stand in the doorway. "What is it, mom?"

"You don't wanna join us downstairs? I made you steak." Mom said.

"Actually I just about going to bed, but I'd love to join. Is there any french fries for me?" I asked.

"Yes, I just made that too for you." Mom said. I run myself to where mom standing, "Thank you, mom." And I kissed my mom's cheek.

I go downstairs, mom following me from behind. Arrived in the dining room, I take my seat and I smell how delicious the steak is.

"Let's pray first." Mom said.

Before we start to pray, dad come and join us to pray before eat. He lead the pray. The snow still turn down and I still wear my sweater.

After several minutes pray, I begin to eat my steak. It's really delicious. Mom also make a cake today.

Now, I can feel my real life without anything like when I was child. I have nothing to do out there, and just staying home.

With mom and dad, everything feels different. It gave me more effect, their love to their only son, never fade.

I already grown up, and soon I will have my own family, my own house, away from them. I'm gonna missed the day I can always stay with them.


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