Chapter one

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The bags on my shoulders were extremely heavy. Each one weighed around 40 pounds. In these giant bags were seeds.... my family lives on a plantation in the year 2050. My parents depend greatly on me and my sister Evelyn to help take care of the crops. Each day my parents go out to the market to sell the new buckets of corn we've grown and when they're there me and my sister just keep growing more, getting prepared go the next season. The thing is, my sister really is worthless. She doesn't help at all! I mean, she tries but she just has a hard time so most of the time I tell her to pick corn for tomorrow because planting it is not meant for her. I dropped the two bags on the bench in front of our house and then opened the door. "I'm home Evelyn!" I yelled up the steps.

"Ok! Mom and dad left around an hour ago!" She hollered back down at me. I took the two sacks and places them down on the kitchen counter. As I walked away something cought my eye. I turned back to the kitchen counter only to see a letter. My family never really got letters considering we were so poor. In this city, there were two sides of the land. One was for the poor and one for the rich. The letter was from A scientist named Persephone Smith.

Dear Avalon,

Me and the other scientists have chosen a few teenagers to test some new devices that may be used someday if they are successful. We have chosen you along with 5 other teenagers to come to our lab tomorrow to test out our devices. You may be wondering what these devices do? Well, As you know life at the moment is not the most desirable. We have created a device that will allow us to send you and the other kids further in time so that we are prepared for what lies ahead. We also must give you a chip, the chip will be put into your body and will make you immortal so that you can be further in time and not age at all. We hope you will accept our invitation.


Persephone Smith

I stuck the letter back in the envelope and put it back down on the counter. Why would they pick me to test these experiments? Then... it hit me. They only wanted me to test it because if I die from it it won't matter! I jumped off the counter with a grunt and walked upstairs to Evelyn's room. "Time to pick corn." I said to her with a completely fake smile. Evelyn sighed and stood up.

"Why do we have to do this?" She whined. I rolled my eyes at her and smiled.

"Maybe because we want to raise money for our family," I said with a sarcastic tone. I walked down the stairs and ran to the counter where I grabbed both the sacks and put them on my shoulders. Evelyn opened the back door and we both walked outside to the field. The sky had absolutely no clouds in it but at the same time air was filled with fog and the breeze would come whooshing by every few seconds.

"It's a bit chilly out here," Said Evelyn. I nodded and took a deep breath. The fresh air was relieving and made me feel more awake even though I was extremely tired from holding these sacks on my back.

"You start on the east side of the field, there are lots of unpicked plants over there," I said. Evelyn nodded and began heading down the opposite way I was. Once she left eyesight I dropped my bags and ran down the path to the gate at the end of our property. The gate was extremely hard to hop the gate at first but over the years I think I've pretty much figured it out.

"God! Avalon! You take forever," said Jay, I rolled my eyes and smiled as I landed on the hard ground. Along with jay their was Chambered. Jay and Chambered were some of my other friends. Jay is 14 and I've known him forever. Chambered is my neighbor and our parents our really good friends and we've been good friends for a very long time as well.

"Hey! Living here is not as easy as it looks," I said. I lightly punched Jay in the arm and laughed. This time. This time I won't get cought because I'm going to a science lab this time.

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