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Ali's P.O.V

I walked into Roman room to check up on what he was doing. I rounded the corner and stopped at his door I took a deep breath and gently knocked on the door and waited, a few seconds later the door was opened and he was standing there shirtless.

Oh my did he look sexy ugh no gross that's my brother. "Ewe Rome put on a shirt would ya," I hollered looking away disgustedly.

He rolled his eyes and walked over to his computer chair and picked up a shirt that was laying on top and pulled it over his head " last time I checked this was my room and I should be able to walk around shirtless if I wanted to" he said while laying on his bed.

I rolled my eyes and made my way to the edge of his bed "yea whatever, " I sighed and sat down on the soft sheets laying on the bed

He pulled out his phone and started texting god knows who completely ignoring the fact that I was in his room I looked at him and sighed so he could notice I was still in the room he made no effort to acknowledge me so I sighed again still no answer I sighed again I saw him roll his eyes and drop his phone.

"Did you just come in here to annoy me cus you can leave, "He asked irritated,

I looked at him and scoffed "No I actually have something very important to ask you," I said I shifted and crossed my legs, ok calm down Ali this conversation could go really well and you can try to figure out why he's so bugged or could go terrible and he gets angrier than he was before.

"Wat is it then?" he said looking back at the phone.

Ugh why is he being hard headed, oh well fucj it here goes nothing. "Why don't you want to go live with mom? " I asked calmly enough not to seem like I'm trying to interrogate him.

He looked up at me dropped the phone and sat up "why would I wanna live with ma, "he questioned irritated,

Oh joy I pissed him off great job Ali "well she's our mom and we haven't really seen her in a long time don't you think it would be cool living with her again, "I smiled hoping to light up the situation but that just made him more angry.

He stared at me shocked at my words "Ali do you hear yourself you wanna go leave with ma after she left us are you okay," he yelled.

I felt intimidated by his words but I wasn't backing down "she left dad not us and you know she calls all the time you act like she abandoned us, " I screamed back

He looked at me disappointedly "oh im sorry but phone calls don't cover 17 years of parenting," he replied sharply and that's when I backed down a little and sighed "Rome that's the whole reason we are going to stay with her dad's always moving and this is a chance to actually finish a year of school without tranfering to another country," I said trying to let him see the brighter side of it all

"I rather keep moving around than live with her at least we would get to see dad, " he said bitterly

" Rome even if we didn't move in with ma we still wouldn't really see dad hes always traveling,this is a chance to actually be normal I mean don't you see roman we could be normal kids I won't have to make a friend and then a few months later have to say goodbye it's always awful and I hate it," I whined His face softened at that and he sighed

"I guess we could stay with mom it probably won't be that bad, but don't expect me to be all lovey dovey with her, " and that's when I practically just jumped on him screaming at the top of my lungs "oh this is great cus i already told dad you agreed to move in with her ok bye I love you Rome,"

"Yea whatever you could get off me now and out of my room I have some things I need to finish up, " he said grabbing his phone once again I quickly let him go and kissed him on the cheek and ran out the room before he could kill me for it. This is going to be the best year ever I'm finally gonna get to be with my mom again, although dad's not going to be around it would still be fun.

Romans P.O.V

We were in the large airport trying to scope out where our mom could be. I was seriously dreading this year if not because of ali I would be a runaway kid by now but I'm doing this for my sister and deep deep deep way deep down inside the possibility to reunite with my mom even though she left us I still had this feeling to want to just hug her and tell her how much I wanted her to be there for me, or how much I use to wish we could just sit down and talk about life. No one else but my dad knew but I was secretly torn apart because my mom wasn't there I never cried about it like Ali but i had my moments of sadness.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder and looked to my side to see Ali smiling widely at something in front of her I turn my face to see a small Indian woman in probably her late 30's standing in front of us she looked exactly like Ali and her eyes were shining with excitement she was wearing some jeans and a large sweatshirt but she still looked beautiful.

"Oh my god it's her Rome she looks just like me," Ali said holding my arm. My mom stepped forward extending out her arms for a hug "Alliah, Roman you've grown so much," she said with a thick Indian accent while trying to hold her tears, but I bit my tongue to control the comeback I had for her.

I felt Ali let go of my arm and lunge right to our mom to hug her while tearing up in the process. I stood there feeling awkward not knowing what to do when they finished their crying session my mom turned to me and extended her arms again for a hug from me I stood there frozen and glanced at Ali while she gave me a "what are you waiting for look" so I quickly extended my arms and hugged my mom and I felt like tearing up to, but the badass roman who was too cool for tears didn't let that happen.

Then she let go of me to look at my face and gave it a little pinch "You're so handsome you must get all the girls, "she said. Ha if only she knew, oh that's right she wouldn't. I just shrugged and started grabbing the bags to head to the car mom and Ali helped with some but not much because they just kept talking on and on about their lives and what not.

I finally got in the car when everything was packed. "So do you guys usually share a car or do have your own individual ones? " Mom asked while stopping at a red light. "When we were with dad we both had our own cars," ali said

"but I take her almost everywhere she needs to go to because she's afraid of driving, " I finished off ruffling her hair in the process she fixed her hair and turned to glare at me

"I'm not scared to drive just scared of accidents," she said trying to defend herself. I just laughed and so did mom and I felt weird that we were laughing together so I stop. "Well ok I guess I only need to buy one new car you guys will need it for school and everything," she said smiling

"Oh cool when do we start," Ali asked excited ugh she's always so excited about school its weird

"Umm whenever this week I'm not going to pressure you into trying to go as soon as possible but you do have to start soon because you missed two weeks already," she said turning into a corner and pulling up at a large house with white and bluish paint.

I wasn't anything like the house back in L.A but it was still a very large house that was probably very high on the market "and now home sweet home, " mom said getting out the car. Ali turned to me and beamed and I groaned in frustration Let the Torture Begin



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