First day

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Ali’s P.O.V

I grabbed roman’s hand and gave it a little squeeze, boy was I nervous I heard him chuckle beside me and turned to look at him to see what was so funny I raised my eyebrow and he just chuckled again

“Can you explain to me what’s so funny Rome? “ I asked a little irritated

He chuckled again “why are you so scared aren’t miss peppy peppy I love school,” he squealed trying to imitate my voice.

I looked at him and smiled “yea but I have to make new friends and all that what if they don’t like me, or worse they think I’m ugly or I get bullied and I can’t get bullied because …” he stopped me by covering my mouth with his hand “Ali first of all why would they hate you, second I think your ugly but I still love you and third if they bully you just tell me and I’ll kick their ass,” he said releasing his hand

I smiled and hugged him “ok I’m ready to go now, “ I said pulling him through the front doors.

The first thing we saw were kids lots and lots of kids, some trying to find their lockers, some chatting with their friends, couples making out, holding hands and what not. Then I spotted out the groups’ jocks, cheerleaders, geeks, stoners, losers, drama club, everything you name it. I turned around to see roman chatting with some girl like seriously we’ve been here for like 15 seconds how did he scoop one that fast I tried to make my way over to pull him too me but him and the girl walked away with him waving bye.

Great now I’m stuck by myself way to look out big bro. I sighed and tried to make my way to the front office if I could find it, I remember when we came with mom that it was on the first floor. I tried making my way through the crowd of students but just seemed to get more lost so I just stood there in the middle of the hall with hundreds of students passing through.

“ I don’t think you’re going to get anywhere by just standing there,” I heard someone say I turned around to see a little red head girl standing in front of me, she was wearing a blue flowered crop top with a matching floral skirt and beige flats with a little bow on it. OMG I’d kill for those shoes

“O.M.G I love your shoes,” I squealed, she beamed and smiled “thanks they’re Chanel I got them online for like 45,” she replied.

“That’s so cool do you think they have any more,” I asked, please say yes please say yes

“I don’t know you’d have to check I’m Britney by the way,” she giggled, her voice sounded so soft and child like she looked like a doll with red hair.

“Oh I’m Ali I kinda just moved here and I have no idea where to go,” I said looking around students still kept running around everywhere

She giggled loudly “ I figured you were a new kid ok come with me I’ll show you to the front office,” she said grabbing my hand and dragging me down the hall she rounded the corner and stopped at a door then she let go of me and opened the door and I walked in I followed closely behind her while we walked in to the familiar hall with white walls she walked over to a opened door and motioned for me to follow her  then she stood in front of a young guy with dark brown hair and deep hazel eyes and a crooked smile. He was gorgeous that I found myself blushing at the fact that he was looking at me. I turned around to see Britney gawking at him also.

He cleared his throat eyeing us both “hey brit did you need anything,” he asked smiling at us, she seemed to snap out of her trance fast enough to flash a flirt smile “yea I actually do my friend here needs to pick up her schedule she’s new,” she said battering her lashes all I could do was smile she’s so obvious about it, but she did it in a cute way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2013 ⏰

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