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"ugh " Sigh. I better wake up before my beloved brother wakes me up -note sarcasm-, don't get me wrong I love him but he doesn't know how to wake up a girl properly, well if you say, throwing an ice bucket on top of the head proper.

I made my way to the bathroom and did my morning routine. Once I was done I took my black tank top and my jeans. When I was done changing, I checked my outfit and to be honest I actually look pretty. I have ocean blue eyes, black midnight hair and an hourglass figure.

"Nova you're going to be late. Its the first day of school!" mom said shouting,

"I'm up, I'm up. Jeez!" Why does my perfect dream have to come to an end. -sigh- marshmallow polar bears and chocolate monkeys are my bae except for bacon, wattpad ,netflix, ice cream ,facebook, instagr- wait holy shit I've been cheating this whole time oh man I'm a horrible wolf.

"I couldn't agree more" my wolf scarlet said ,

"Oh shut up bitch, you love me and we are practically stuck together for life " i said with a grin on my face like a retard I am,

"Unfortunately yes and you are a retard" my wolf said with a wolf grin
Wait how do wolves grin? probably looking stupid. -hehe-

"Nova can you stop grinning like an idiot you are?" my caring brother said,

"Why good morning to you too Adrian" I said with my fake innocent smile and he rolls his eyes,

You see Adrian is my brother he is amazing, annoying, and protective but I love him.

We made our way to the kitchen and see my mother placing eggs and bacon on the table,

"Nova Aphrodite Leidolf ! Its disgusting to drool on the table" my mother scolded me,

My brother laughed at me so I did the most mature thing stick my tongue at him.

My mom who is called fawn she raised us herself since dad died in a rouge attack I was 7 and Adrian was 11 but she did a well job on raising us.

When we were done eating we said our goodbyes to mom and headed to the car .

You know the cliche part where the ride is silent and nerve wrecking well us its not we were singing nice guys by niga higa on the top of our lungs so every time there's a traffic light people just stare well except for the trying hard bitches who were shamelessly flirting with my brother.

My brother is the quarter back of the lupus high school. Our school was a all werewolf school so yeah lupus huh.

"Nova .... Nova ....NOVA!" I was pulled out of my trance by my idiotic brother,

"Oh yeah sorry just nervous about first day of third year high school" I said while getting out of the car.

Once i got out of the car i was immediately greeted by lustful stares by the boys ugh which was returned by a killer glare by my brother and don't forget the glares from the bitches,but also got kind smiles by some people.

I see Derek and Clair ,my best friends in the distance,

"Hey" they both said while waving their hand like those Chinese cats

Oh they are so in love I hope they become mates,

"Agreed" scarlet said,

We took our schedules and made our way to our first class English -fun- note sarcasm.

We did barley anything in class since we only did introduction when the bell rang I stood up and made my way to the next class,

But unfortunately I bumped into the queen bee or I called it the queen bitch,

"Bitch you touched me " she screamed like a pig being killed,

"Oh My God" I said copying her and then continued

"I'm going to wash my hands I don't want to get a Bitch virus" I said and the other students watched us like we were a movie while trying to hold in their laughs

"Bitch" she shrieked and about to hit me

Luckily my awesome brother arrived just in time

"What are you doing Brittany?" He growled

"She called me a Bitch" she purred batting her fake eyelashes while walking up to him while I on the other hand just rolled my eyes she glared at me

"No you're not a Bitch Brittany" he said fake smiled and she smiled

"You're a Bitch and a slut" he said smirking emphasizing and

Forgive me, I tried holding in my laughter but failed now I'm clutching my stomach while laughing so hard

she glared and left while flipping her fake blond hair while I flipped her the bird

Other students well looked like they where watching a circus from laughing so hard

"Thanks bro" I said with an innocent smile

"No problem" he said with a friendly smile

"Bye big brother gotta go to class before miss I'll-make-your-lives-miserable-because-i-can" I said walking towards math

I mean math literally stands for mental abuse to humans

"hey mah bitch" I turn around to see mah bff Clair

Clair,is my awesome bff. She has been my bff since diapers since or parents are close we get to hang out a lot. She has long blond hair,blue eyes, slim body and well she was perfect.

"Nova you there?" My thoughts we're interrupted by snapping fingers

"No!I did not eat the cupcakes" I said loudly,which caused lots of heads to look at us

I blushed and looked at my feet

"Nice going genius" scarlet said laughing

"Shut up" I said blushing deeper

"Alright hot shot let's go to math" she said practically dragging me

We bumped into Derek ,my other bff also close to our family.

Derek,was the captain of the soccer team. He had brown hair,and blue eyes. Yes here is the cliché part he likes Clair and Clair likes Derek, but of course they are scared to admit it to each other

Well great year so far not



He he he he



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