7- Past

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Nova's pov:

Flashback :

"You stupid bitch !"he screamed,
"you can't do anything right " he pressed my hand onto the burning stove "I wanted my sunny side up egg with a not broken egg yolk!" I screamed in agony as he started to hit me .

I looked up around to only see my ex-best friend watching and smirking at me as his best friend ,aka the alpha beat me into a pulp only because I couldn't make his breakfast right .


As my memory fades away all I see is black and I ask myself "where am I?" But my voice just echoes through the black abyss "help me" I suddenly hear small voices but it's like a whisper and I can't make out if the voice was a males or a females but what I can make out is that it in pain.

Suddenly I hear an ear shatters screams but this time the voices were different.
I start to panic as I cover my ears to block out the haunting screams but I figured out were the scream were from,

It was mine!

I couldn't stop screaming "why am I screaming?where am I ? What's happening?" A million questions runs through my head and suddenly I stopped , I stopped scream . "Was it finally over? " oh how terribly wrong I was, as I start to shake and I could hear voices calling out my name "Nova ! Wake up please it's just a dream~" as I heard the last words I am blinded by light.

I find myself clutching my chest ,breathing heavily and dripping with sweat.

"Nova are you ok?!" I hear a panicked voice and when I look at the person who said it,
It was Alex, I immediately hugged him tight without thinking.

"Ehem " I hear two voices interrupting us. I peek up from Alex's shoulder and I see the twins pouting "Can we get hugies too?" They ask at the same time,

I giggle and I open my arms for a hug and they immediately pounce on me with hugs.

And for the second time someone interrupts us "Excuse me, Ms. Leidolf " a shy nurse says with politeness.

I look up at here with shock totally not noticing that she was here earlier "oh umm yes?".

"The results of your tests came back and it seems that the cause of your fainting is unknown " she says as she reads the paper confused before continuing,

"As far as we know it's nothing fatal, but to be safe please refrain from shifting for two days or so " she smiles softly "and that's that we will have your papers fixed so you can meet the alpha soon" right as I hear the word 'Alpha' my body freezes in emotions mixed with anger,shock, fear and a tinge of pleasure? Probably from my idiotic wolf.

"Watch it!" She sneers at me.

"Geese what crawled up you ass and died ? I know you're not on your period since we have the same" I ask slightly taken aback from my wolfs recent aggressive behavior.

She doesn't answer me and just goes to the deepest darkest corner of my mind that I can't reach.

"Hello? Nova?" I hear Damien trying to get my attention while waving his hand in front of my face.

"Hey idiot let her be, she's day dreaming of me" I hear Daniel say right after I hear a smack.

"Hey retards , she's talking to her wolf" I hear Alex muttering then I remember what the nurse said but I guess she left because she isn't in the room.

"Y-you know I can't meet the Alpha" I whisper to Alex with slight fear from experience.

"i know that Nova, but if you don't you'll be put up for trial" Alex explains to me.

i sigh and i look down "ok then" i grumble and frown then i come up with an idea "oh umm i need some alone time im exhausted " i tell them while pouting hoping they dont see through my lie.

They look at me slightly suspicious but the shrugged and nodded anyway then left the room.

As soon as i make sure they are out of my wolf hearings i started to pack my things, that werent much anyway then changed into some normal clothes and threw away the hospital gown.

I grabbed a mask and left the room. I took in my surroundings making sure the three boys werent there before making my way towards the exit.

I squinted a bit as the sun light was way to bright for my eyes.Soon after my eyes finally adjust in started to speed walk through thw parking lot, and while i was doing that i decided to check my bag and look for my phone.

Me being a clutz and not looking to where i was going ended up walking into a wall. I was closing my eyes and was already ready to hit the ground.

No pain..i felt no pain..instead i felt arms around my waist that send tingle through out my body.

"What the fuck?!" I gasped and thought "since when did walls have arms?!" i questioned.

"open your eyes idiot" she said not in a mean way as she was also purring?

Slowly I peeked and say a freaking god "H-Hi" i said and bit my lips.

"why am i so nervous? this isnt like me" i wondered as I  kept staring like a creep.

The man helped me stand straight with absolutely no emotions showing in his face.

"mate" whispered my wolf.

My eyes grew wide and i slowly backed away.

As i took one step back, he took one step forward. I feel like we were dancing the tango.

"What are uoy doin in my territory?" He said and boy i loved his voice.

My cheeks heated up as i looked up at him trying to not be intimidated. I could feel the power radiating off of him.

"Alpha, definitely an alpha" my wolf purred.

"well i was just leaving sir" I said as i noticed that he was holding my hand which made me blush even harder.

"Oh no you arent sweetheart" He smirked at me and i was about to retort but a wave of pain went to my head and soon my vision started to fade.

At least the last thing i saw was his face.....

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