TJ Hammond x Reader One Shot

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**Caution: There is smut and drug use. You have been warned. Enjoy, my lovelies!**

The pulsing beat of the music echoed around the room. You had promised to meet your best friend here at the hottest new club, The Dome, but after an argument she bailed on you. However, you stayed- after all, you'd never pass the opportunity of getting drunk.

You danced up close and personal to the strangers surrounding you on the dance floor, singing along to all the words of the latest dance anthem. Your arms placed high in the air, pulling up your leather jacket and vest top, making your stomach slightly visible. You swayed your hips, loving the feel of the tight denim as it hugged onto your thighs and ass. Occasionally, you'd stomp your heeled boots into the floor along with the beat. You'd always loved your fashion sense. It made you feel badass; knee high boots, leather jacket, choker and constant black nails. Your lifestyle reflected the baddassery of your clothing, you never stopped for one moment and lived life as it came.

Being the daughter a successful business entrepreneur, you were loaded. You didn't have to worry about work, and instead preferred to party. You loved the buzz of being rebellious, and that meant you weren't scared of anything. Alcohol, drugs, sex, you loved it all! Since both of your parents were never home, too busy in their own personal lives to care about you or your brothers, you could live as freely as you wished. Their only love came in the form of cheques and bank transfers, which was really all you needed. Your parents obliviously caused and fed every bad habit you had, and you'd never felt more sly and mischievous because of it.

You had heard about TJ Hammond in the news. He had a history of drugs and alcohol and you had always felt he was very relatable. After all, he was like a male, homosexual version of you. So, when you heard of his new club opening, you had to pay it a visit, and hopefully pay him a visit too.

So here you were, doing what you did best, grinding against these people you had never met before, and were unlikely to ever meet again. That was when a man approached you. You felt his presence before you saw him, and instinctively danced against him, when you turned around to face the stranger, you couldn't believe your eyes.
TJ Hammond stood in front of you. You would've sworn you were hallucinating, but you hadn't even taken any drugs... Yet.
"Hey." He shouted over the music. His charming smile showing all of his perfect white teeth.
"Hi." You smiled back, still dancing.
TJ brought his lips close to your ear, speaking loudly so he could be heard over the increasingly loud music.
"You look like the type of girl who likes to have a bit of fun."
"Hell yeah." You call back enthusiastically.
He pulls back, looking into your face before holding up his index finger and thumb. In between his two elegant fingers sat a small pink pill with a unicorn printed onto it.
You instantly open your mouth and TJ slowly places the pill onto your tongue. He smirks at you as you swallow it.
"What is it?" You ask.
You nod and continue dancing, turning your back to him and grinding against him. You can feel his breath against your neck and ear and can hear him softly chuckle.
"You know who I am, right?" He speaks. You lean your head onto his shoulder to reply.
"Oh, I know."
"So you know I'm gay?"
"Oh, I know that too."
You can feel his hot breath hit the side of your face as he laughs at you again.
"We saw you from the VIP lounge up there." He points up to a balcony room overlooking the dance floor. "Do you want to join us?"
You turn to face him, placing your hands on his shoulders, as you continue dipping and swaying your hips. "I thought you'd never ask."

TJ grabs your hand and drags you through the crowds of people. The ecstasy hits your system and suddenly every single brush of skin against yours feels pleasurable. TJ's hand wrapped around your fingers feels tighter than it did before and his palm feels soft.
When you reach the VIP lounge, you see a few important looking celebrities, you even recognise a few from the movies or politics.
"Ay, who's this sexy little gal?" You hear as you approach a table with 3 men sitting around it.
TJ begins to introduce you.
"So, um this is Gunner, my.. Um, assistant manager.. Yeah." He point to the guy who had spoke when you entered and you smiled at him in recognition. TJ pointed to the two guys sitting on the three seater couch opposite Gunner. "And these two are, Josh and uhhh..."
"Kyle." The other guy sighs.
"Kyle! Yeah, Kyle. Anyway, guys this is.. Actually, what is your name, sugar?" TJ turns to you.
"(Y/n)." You reply. "But feel free to call me sugar." You bat your eyelids as you push past TJ, removing your leather jacket and sitting next to Gunner on the two seater couch. You look up at TJ who is clearly enjoying your sass. He shuffles past you and taps Gunner's knee, clearly asking him to move to the other couch, to which he sighs and sends an annoyed glance to TJ. He eventually moves and TJ plops down next to you, placing an arm on the back of the sofa behind you.

TJ Hammond x Reader One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now