Tristan Duffy X Reader

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It's the year 2015. You're visiting Los Angeles, California for the summer with some of your friends. You wouldn't've come, had you not heard about a "haunted" hotel. The supernatural always intrigued you.  Along with that, generally fucked up history is a special interest of yours. The place, Hotel Cortez, seems to be in fashion to another notorious hotel in the same area. We're not here to talk about that though.

Your friends were reluctant to go to the building with you, so you're all alone in the foreign place. The room was large and retro-like. You walked slowly as you stared around the area, trying to remember as much of the haunting scenery as you could. You stopped just in time to not make a fool of yourself by walking into the desk that stood before you. You lightly tapped the bell on the counter, which sent out a ding that broke the eerie silence, and seemed alarmingly loud in such a quiet.

A short, older woman walked up to the counter. She gave you a look that gave a sharp "What the hell do you want?"  You sheepishly asked for a room for one night. She tossed you the keys to a room and you gave her about $40. "Liz!" She called out, "Show her to her room."

A bald woman wearing a long, flowing, turquoise cape appeared and lead you to your room.

You went inside your room and layed your stuff on the bed. As you were becoming adjusted to the new, unfamiliar surroundings, you gasped and grumpily face-palmed yourself. "Damnit!" You grumbled to yourself. You never asked where to find ice. You contemplated asking where it could be found, but you also didn't want to come off as a total dumbass. Your mind went back and forth between whether or not to ask, but alas, your crippling anxieties got the best of you. Honestly, its amazing you asked for a room and payed all by yourself! You assumed the bucket was made to carry ice, so you uneasily picked it up.

Walking down the tangle of hallways, you glanced at each side, looking for an icemaker.

- Timeskip brought to you by a Lazy Writer Who Can't Think of More Exposition© -

You lifted the lid to the freezer-box-thing that held the chunks of ice. You scooped a few cups of ice into your bucket before you felt a presence nearby. You glanced over to your side quickly. Nothing. You let out a sigh of releif as you closed the ice box lid. "Hey there." You jumped at the sound of the words as each seemingly echoed through the building.

You looked at the direction the sound had come from. Standing there was a man. His hair was thick and black, with the occasional red streak. He wore a black jacket which was unzipped about halfway down, which revealed some of his chest to you. The figure slightly grinned at you. "W-who are you?!" You questioned.

"What do you mean?" He said back.

"I, uh, I mean what's your name?"

"What's yours?" He replied.

"I asked you first, though!"

"So? I asked you second."

You got flustered, arguing with him would get you nowhere. You sighed before revealing your name. "I'm (y/n)."

The man seemed pleased it didn't take long to get a name out of you.

You start walking away, tired of this nonsense. The guy stopped you from leaving though. "Where do you think your going?" He asked. It wasn't an agressive tone, though.

You observed his face better, now that he was closer to you. Admittingly, you found him pretty hot. Something about him just sparked something in you. Blood rushed to your face, bringing a red tint to your cheeks.

He smiled slightly, obviously seeing the blush on your face. Your heart pounded quickly in the silence. You both just stood there. This scene played out far more romantically in your flushed state. You probably thought there was a pink filter and cherry petals flowing through your hair. But, no, none of that was happening. You were just staring at eachother, in the hallway just in front of a room that holds ice. You held a metal pail full of slowly meltimg ice. This is a very awkward situation, yet somehow or another it ended up being slightly romantic.

You moved a few strand of hair out of your face using yoir free hand as you quickly walked away. You looked back down the hallway you came from, yet he was gone.

- Another Time Skip brought by lazy writing -

You arrived to the door of your room. That seemed so very real. It couldn't've been fake, could it? You shook the though out of your mind as you put the key in the door.

You gasped and your heart jumped once you flipped on the lights. You, for one, expected the old, empty, musky room you'd left behind to get ice earlier. True, the room was just as old and musky as you recalled, but you weren't alone. Laying there on your bed, was the man you'd encountered when you'd gotten your, now half-melted, ice. You were suprised. Although this was extremely clichéd, nevertheless surprising.

"Ho-how'd you figure out my room?" You said, the words stumbling out your mouth clumsily.

He shrugged "Had a hunch."

You crossed your arms and looked to the side. "Well... well you're not welcome." You lied, "Besides, you never gave me your name."

He laughed quietly, not falling for your lie at all. "Fine. It's Tristan."

"Well, Tristan, you still can't be in here, up in all my space.." You said, walking over to your bed, dropping the bucket next to it.

"Ah c'mon, love, you can't lie to me." He smoothly said, scooching over towards you.

You felt your face heat up the closer he got. He was right, you didn't want him to leave. You wanted him to stay there, with you, for as long as possible.

Almost as if he read your mind, Tristan purred as he moved even closer to you, lightly kissing your neck. The touch was so sudden and unexpected. You moved away alittle bit. You could feel his arm wrap around your side, and lightly move your body closer to his. He continued kissing your neck, moving his mouth up it.

Eventually he met your mouth, yet you didn't argue. You smooched for what seemed like forever. You didn't mind, however.

Your eyes shot open. No, it couldn't've been just a dream, could it? You get your stuff and take note of the cold water in the bucket next to your bed. Nope, that was all real. You check out and throw your room key on the counter.
Oomigosh that was so stupid I'm sorry ( x0x)/// I realize that Tristan doesn't show up in the hotel until late October, and that's where everything takes place and just XP sorry!!! I had an idea in my head and just ??

Please leave a comment or request a character you'd like me to do!

Word Count : 1156

- Sans Makara

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