"Chapter 11~Co-Captain."

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Alex's POV

I stayed with Scott for the rest of the night and he knew that I was worried.

"Hey everything is going to be okay," Scott said kissing my forehead.

I nodded and I wasn't sure how this day was going to turn out.

We went to school and tried to have a normal day. Scott let me wear his lacrosse sweatshirt which did make me feel better.

My phone buzzed and it was my dad.

Dad😎-I'm picking you up after school

I looked up to see if the teacher was looking then quickly texted him back.


That's all I could say so much was going on that it just felt like too much. Once class was over I couldn't bear to stay at school anymore and just went for a jog.

I still had to go back since my dad is going to pick me up. I went to Scott and told him about him that he was picking me up.

"Hey just call me if anything goes wrong okay." He said bringing me into a hug.

I nodded then saw my dad's black Camaro but before I let go of Scott he kissed me.

I pulled back and smiled a little as I left with my dad. I got into the car and he drove off without saying a word.

The silence was killing me. "So are you going to tell what's going on?" I snapped

"Don't talk to me like that Alex." He warned

"Why should I listen to you since your working with the psychotic shank that I'm related to." I snapped

He slammed on brakes which scared me to death.

"Watch it, Alex, your pushing my patience do you understand me." He said

He raised his eyebrows waiting for me to say something.

"Yes," I said

What was his problem? Ugh, why does he have to be the strict parent all of the sudden?

We started driving again and then we pulled up to the apartment building we used to hideout in.

"What are we doing here dad?" I asked

"We're moving here." He said

I was shocked there was no way that I was going to stay here.

"I'm not staying here Derek!" I yelled not realizing that I said his name.

He glared at me and he was furious. He got out of the car and slammed the door once I thought I was off the hook, he opened the door dragged me inside.

"Sit." He ordered once we were in the main living room.

I do what I was told and he paces back and forth.

"Look you're not to leave this apartment do you understand." He said

"Why?" I asked

"Cause Peter wants you here and he's the alpha so I wouldn't challenge him if I were you." He said

"There's no way I'm staying," I said

"You are and you don't have a choice." He said

"Or what you're going to ground me it's not like you haven't done that before," I said

He sighed "Look Alex I know that your upset about what happened but you have to trust me." He said

It seemed like he was pleading in some sort of way.

"Then why do you trust him?" I asked

"Cause he's family believe it or not." He said

"He killed Laura," I seethe

"Alex you don't know the whole story that's why I need you to trust me and stay here." He said

"Do you promise to tell me everything?" I asked

"I promise." He said then came over and gave me a hug

"I love you, Dad," I said

"I love you too," I said
Hey guys sorry that I haven't updated in a while but here's a special chapter just for you guys.

I hope that you liked it to comment. Vote and share if you want another chapter.


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