Chapter 1 - News.

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Brittany POV

"Hi! So good to see you again" I say as I greet my mum and my dad into my penthouse apartment.
"You too sweetie. How are you?" My dad asks while giving me a hug.
"I'm great thank you!! Actually have a reason behind this celebration but I'll talk more about it later" I tease them while they smile at me, agreeing before going to sit down.
"When's Sam and Dylan coming?"
"Should be in about 10 minutes I think. She texted us about 30 minutes ago saying she was just getting ready so they're probably in their way now." My my says and I nod
"Ok cool. Do you two want any drinks? Glass of wine?"
"Oh yes please. I haven't told you about my week yet Britt. It's been so jam packed. Honestly that's all I need right now" my mum says honestly and I smile, placing two wines in front of them before the doorbell goes.
"Hey!" I say as I come face to face with my sister and brother in law. They got married in January this year and are living together at the moment in a huge house. It's beautiful; has 4 levels with a pool and a garden and even a gym down the bottom.
"Hi B! How are you?" My sister asks excitedly giving me a hug.
"Good thank you. And how are you?" I ask Dylan as he gives me a kiss on the cheek and then a hug.
"Good thanks Brittany. Nice apartment. I love the view. It's amazing"
"Perks of being an actress" I say sheepishly and he chuckles
"You deserve it Britt" I smile, thanking him before going into the living room to find my parents and Sam.

"And so we were tanning and then this woman came up from behind us and took a picture right in our faces. This was at Monte Carlo mind you. People are so rude there" Sam says as she is discussing their honeymoon while trying to look at Dylan at the same time.
"I know babe. The best time was when we got a free trip to Italy since our plane broke down. The pilot felt bad for us because a) we were on our honeymoon and it had been disrupted and b) because Sam was Brittany Raymond's sister." He says and I chuckle
"You're lucky to have me that's all I can say Sam" I say and then she laughs while placing her cutlery in front of her.
"I have some news" she says moving her napkin from her lap to he table.
"Ok.... What is it?" I asked excitedly taking a sip of water from my dry mouth.
"I'm having a baby" she says as I spit the water out like a fountain.
"You are what?!" I say really happily clearing up the water. I am a little shocked though. I knew they'd be somewhat addicted to each other and would always be kissing; probably having sex every night but 4 months after the wedding is really close!
"I'm pregnant" she says smiling while looking at Dylan in the eyes.
"Oh my gosh. Sam! That's so amazing." I say standing up, giving my sister a hug and turning to Dylan, doing the same.
"Congratulations" I whisper in his ear before I let mum and dad goes them hugs.
"You're going to be an Aunty!"
"At 24! It's kind've hard to believe really!" I say laughing before the excitement dies down and there's silence before my dad starts talking.

"So Brittany. You were telling us earlier that you have some news too" my dad sparks up and I smile, finishing my meal.
"Uh, well yeah I do. Is it ok if I share it?"
"Of course sweetie. Go ahead" mum says
"Right. So I got a call last night. It was this guy, Jim, from Family Channel and he was ringing to see if I was interested into doing a The Next Step Movie." I announce and they are all smile satin congrats and stuff before I out the bombshell on them all.
"The only thing is, is that it's going to reunite the cast of The Next Step from 2013-2017 back together. Well that's what I think. No body knows I have been asked and no body knows who has been asked altogether. We don't know if there is a new set, storyline, director, writer, new dancers or even new characters. All we know is where we film at and that we start in the Summer." I say and mum and dad look worried.
"Are you are you're ready for that again? To face all those people, potentially, for the first time in 3 years though?" My mum asks
"Especially Trevor" Sam pitches in and I look at her.
"He's what I'm most worried about" I say and she weakly smiles.
"Talking about guys though. Have you found anyone new yet Britt?" My mum asks and I shake my head.
"No. I sort of want to wait a while you know. I had the relationship with Michael but that was like a year ago. I don't know if I'm ready to be heartbroken again yet"
"Britt you're ranked #15 on Canada's Hottest. You're not going to be heartbroken again. I'm telling you the next guy you date will most likely be the one." She says before blabbering some other random stuff that I don't hear about.

All I can think about though, is that I'm 24 and I'm not in any serious long term relationships, only been in one more relationship apart from Trevor and one more relationship since finishing TNS. That's hard to take in. Cause I'm going to have to up my game now. Sams right. I'm hot enough. I'm pretty enough. I'm talented enough to find someone.

Someone who I'm bound to share the rest of my life with.

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