Chapter 1: The Start/Flight

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"Run hurry up we don't have much time so hurry your fucking ass up Michel if we get this we will be rich hahaha" I scream.

I jumped in the van and I say yo Michel this is the last time I'm doing that again, because Im wanted all over the world one place I go I have the whole fucking military after me, there could be a way. "Hey Michel we can go to a remote facility in mexico where we can hide out because I ain't doing any of this shit again dude, I have a children which I can't take care of because I'm wanted all over this fucking world dude" I yell, how are we going to get to mexico when everyone knows who we are and wants to kill us all day everyday "I think I might know how we can get to mexico, I have a friend who's been helping us this whole time I can get us a private jet and we can fly to his hanger and I can get him to drop us off at this remote facility your talking about, and we will have all this money we can buy mansions and live like kings!" Michel says getting excited there are two girls who are sisters I know one of them are smart with technology and she can help us get the cops and military of our asses and her names Michelle, and the other one just doesn't take no for an answer and I here she's god with a gun as well as technical things so she can help Michelle and her names Caitlin so I'll get them flights over here and they can get them selves sorted I mean there both sisters so what could go wrong" I say happily.

So let's go and jump into the plane and get to mexico before the fucking military gets here and just as I say that the military gets here "go go go go go gooooo" I yell hoping one of the bullets doesn't hit me in the head.

Yay we made it up into the air now like 3-8 hours of flight yippie now I'm going to go have a nap cause all of this shit that's happening. OMG well that was the best sleep and I've had since being seven!

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