Ahhh the sweet smell of somewhere where we aren't going to get caught, well atleast I hope so anyway."Hey Michel how you liking the landing there brother?" "Agh a little bit of jet lag but I should be good ,anyway I'm going to call my friend and get him to drop us of at your remote facility, you should call Michelle and get her here" Michel says. "OK" I mutter back.
The CallHey Michelle its me we're in mexico can you come over and help me us.
Sure I'll be there in a sec I'll bring my things over and help you get these cops of your ass.
Haha thanks and bring your sister and hopefully you guys can stay with me and Michel like forever.
Ok sure and with my things at the facility there's a room for all of us as d I can put my technical equipment in the lounge I guess!
Sure thing and yes there is a room for all of us , and we have a shooting range out back but no one can here just cuz the facility's like way out in mexico where no one knows about I'll give you the address if I can when you land I'll give you the address just message me when you can!?!?
Yea ok uhh I'll be right over there and hope o get there on time.
I'll send over the private jet just go to ribonsons hanger and the jet should be there see you later!
Ok sweet see you soon with Caitlin!
Call Ended
------------------------------------------------------Ok well that was a long phone call. "Michel you done cuz if you are the sisters are coming over I've just sent the jet over to them there meeting the jet at ribonsons hanger." I say hoping he would hear me
"Yea yea I-I...I hear you ,umm he said hes gonna be a few minutes he's just gotta get the car repaired and he said that alone could take up to an hour" Michel says worryingly "I mean Michel you know he lies to joke around so he's most probably messing around with you dude he won't actually take that long see he's coming down the runway there's no need to worry"
Michel's friend comes speeding down the runway in a Ferrari "damn that's a nice car " I say excitingly, "yea" "Hey you can drive the car Mathew" Michel's friend says "Me you serious me I get to drive the...the ferrari OMG yes a million times yes by the way do I keep the Ferrari " I say admiring the Ferrari. "Yes you but there's one thing I'm going to need to take the number plate of so the police or military don't catch you" " ok I'm fine for with that well let's go because if where still here then the cops are going to come hahaha" I hop in the car and drive straight to the remote facility with all the stuff in the trailer and I was driving it like I stole going up to 180km on a straight road thank god know one was there. Further own the road I was going the speed limit which was 120km and then next thing you know there's 3 copsin one place so I drop I the speed down to 100 because I m tired of getting caught 24/7. "Yo yo yo drop it down cops are up there" Michel and Michel's friend whisper! "Oh no shit sherlock why do you think I went from 120-100, quickly grab my hat and put it on my head please" I scream. "Sure thing bro ugh here you go and sorry about us we just didn't think you knew and thank god we have the cover for our guns and all that and at least we have a big enough cover for the trailer" Michel says breathing heavily.
MessageHey its Michelle and I've landed whats the facility address.
Hey Michelle I haven't got there yet ugh is your sister with you if she is put her on and I just been told that the address is 78392 south of mexico it takes about 4 hours to drive there.
Ok all good see you soon!
Hey its me Caitlin on the phone now, you got the guns and the shooting range sorted?
Year the shooting range is there and I have alt if guns sorted out for that as well as a gun rack or gun wall and its so good to hear from you.
Yea it'll be fun to hang out with you get away from cops, military and I cant wait to be there.
Message Ended
------------------------------------------------------Finally where hear so I wonder what the guys will think of this I wonder... "Dude this is so fucking cool dude" the guys say.