Feeling Down

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  • Dedicated to Megan Holden

The sun gazed at me from above seeing where i was. Branches and twigs tore at my light blue dress, leaving a trail of blood and scraps of material behind me. I couldn't go back it was worse there. "Twilight! Where are you? Twilight?" i could still hear Lilly my little sisters voice echoing in my head, i betrayed her. I said i would look after her, I promised. I imagined her going through everything all over again. Betrayal, of our brother and now me. I couldn't believe i did this to her. I knew what would be happening to her now, she might be hanging by a string to life. Shame ran over me, i'm as bad as him. Just the thought of him sent shivers down my spine. The way he had treated mum before she died disgusted me. I kept thinking about what i had done, over and over. I snapped out of my daze when i felt a sharp cut next to my eye, OUCH! I had cuts all over me, and i had no idea where i was, or what to do. Spiders were everywhere i stayed glued to the spot in terror and shame. I felt like nothing i could do would change anything that happened to Lilly or what might happen to Lilly in the future. Nothing i did changed anything when i was there i guess i just wanted to escape from him and it, i should have brought Lilly with me. She was always suffering for what i did, and now she'll suffer even more because of me. She knew i was going to go away, she knew they would hurt her if she stayed behind. I should have been solid and made her come with me even if it meant we might have been caught, but then at least there was a chance both of us could escape together. She stayed behind and distracted them. Now i'm feeling down, in the dumps. I can't get up. Not even for her. Her face is so innocent, when she calls for help she dosen't lie. She was my responsibility, now she may die. "Twilight, Get Back Here!" i heard a voice shout from not far away. Did Lilly tell him? She wouldn't do that... I climbed up a large oak tree, leaving a scarlet trail of fresh blood. When i got to the top, i saw her. I saw Lilly, her clothes were soaked. With blood. I couldn't look at her, i had to find a way to say sorry and get her to be with me. At that moment i realised that he wasn't there, but was is this a trap? Its a risk worth taking for Lilly. I climbed half way down the tree, i snapped a twig off the branch to hopefully get Lilly's attention

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2013 ⏰

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