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Hayden's P.O.V
I burst into Aaron's house, fearing he was gone. Fortunately, he walks downstairs with Jake. Jake was in the midst of putting his shirt on and you could see a hickey from Aaron on his neck. "Ummm.....did I interrupt anything? Do you guys need a condom?" I joke. Aaron munches me in the arm jokingly. "Not yet, you goof." He laughs. "Well anyway, I brought somebody that I met the other day. Yo, Leo!" I shout outside. "What?!" He yells back. "Get your ass in here!" I roar. Leo walks in. He's about 5'10", dirty blonde hair, bright blue eyes. "What?" He asks. "Introduce yourself." I retort. "'Sup? I'm Leo. Full name Leonardo David O'Connor. Call me by my full name, and I'll gladly kick you in the place no man wants to be kicked." He smiles. Aaron, Jake and, I bust out in laughter. Aaron walks up. "Well, Leo, I'm Aaron. Nice to meet you. Might I add your sense of humor is astonishing." Aaron jokes. "Haha-fucking-ha." Leo replies.
*I am so sorry for the short POV. forgive meh.*

Aaron's P.O.V
This Leo kid seems pretty chill. "Well are we all going to hang out or???" Jake asks. I smirk. I know what he wants to do. "I was thinking we could all chill at the park or something." Leo suggests. "That's not a bad idea!" Hayden yells. "Dude, Hayden, chill out bro." I say. "Ah, but what's the fun I'm that?" He asks. "Jake, wanna go hang out at the park?" I look over and ask him. "With you sunshine, I'll go anywhere." He replies. I blush. I walk towards him and kiss him. He smiles. "Hey, since we're all just going to hang, can I call my girlfriend and ask her to hang?" Leo asks. "Sure, bro. We don't care I mean we have two lovebirds right over here!" Hayden says as he points towards Jake and I. We were holding hands. "What?" I joke. "Oh nothing. Just talking about the hickies on both of you!" He laughs. I blush uncontrollably. "Yo, Leo!" I shout. "Did you get an answer out of your girlfriend?" He looks at me. "Yeah. She said she'll meet us there." He answers. "Well, what's the hold up?! Let's go!" Jayden shouts excitedly. We all head out of my house and start walking towards the park.

*time skips*
Leo's P.O.V
We finally make it to the park and I see my beautiful girlfriend Harmony. Fuck she was beautiful. She run towards me. I catch her as she runs into me. She looks up and smile shyly. "Hey gorgeous." I smirk. Harmony blushes and covers her face. "On, Harmomybear, there's no need to hide." She slowly moves her hands away. "See, it's okay." I say. Our moment of privacy was overtaken by the commotion of the others. Well this is going to be fun.

*A.N again I am so sorry for the short P.O.V. I hope you guys enjoy. Baiii ^°^*

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