The show that changed everything

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[Lisa's POV]

The show is starting!!! It's so tight inside the reflection section, I'm not supposed to be in here but since I'm quite tall for my age but not very visible, the security doesn't notice, and Jessica is standing next to me which makes me feel safe.
The intro is breathtaking, the dancers appearing on stage one after the other... then, the giant prism in the middle of the stage starts closing...
And it opens again, and Katy appears!
"MIIIIAMIIIIIIII!" she yells and starts moving to the beat of Roar.
I'm shaking. She is real. She is so beautiful. I'm facing her. She is facing me. Then our eyes meet. For a second, she looks shocked. Then she gives me a big bright smile and keeps singing and dancing.
I tap Jessica on her shoulder. "oh my god Jess, did you see this?"
"see what!?"
"Katy!! We made eye contact! It was so weird!"
"WHAT HOW OH MY GOD!" Jessica screamed.

As the show goes on, Katy keeps looking towards me everytime she passes by.
I am singing along all the time, I know all the lyrics!
Now it's time for the acoustic set.
Katy appears on stage wearing her beautiful butterfly dress and rainbow hair.
She jokes around a lot, then goes to the front part of the stage, grows a pizza out of her "garden", gives us a whole speech about being allergic to gluten, then says "who wants that pizza!?"
Then immediately she turns around and looks at me. "YOU! THE LITTLE GIRL IN THE SUNFLOWER DRESS! GET ON STAGE!" she screams, pointing at me.

My heart is beating so fast. "COME ON LISA WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR, SHE CHOSE YOU!!" Jessica screams.
I get on stage as fast as possible. Katy looks like she's about to cry!?
She opens her arms and I run into them and hug her without hesitating.
Then she leans down to me and whispers into my ear: "Listen baby girl, after the show, please come to door 6. My assistant will wait for you there and get you backstage, I need to talk to you later, it's really really important!"
I nod my head, then she gets out of our hug. Of course, she needs to continue entertaining people.
"What's your name?" she asks me and points her microphone at me. "Lisa!!"
She stops for a second, her eyes are teary...
"alright, Lisa... how old are you?"
"I'm ten!"
She stops once again. Her big blue eyes won't stop staring at me.
"Okay um you're from Miami right?" she goes on.
"Great! so... do you want this pepperoni pizza?"
"of course!"
"You have to answer these three questions correctly and you'll get it... first question! Are you going to share it with all the people over there?"
"sure!" I answer calmly.
"second question... Are you allergic to gluten?"
"noooo!" I laugh.
"perfect! and now last but not least... who's your favorite singer? Please answer this correctly..."
Katy bows down to me and hands me the pizza.
"Thank you Lisa!" she hugs me once more and whispers "please don't forget to come later!"
I nod and get off the stage...

sorry, this was a really short chapter but it's getting intense, slowly... hope you enjoyed it!

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