Chapter 5

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Tay's pov
I saw a pained expression shoot through Lynn's face as the officers pulled me out the doors and dragged me down the stairs.

"Let go of me!" I screamed as the doors again burst open to reveal Jenna & Lauren.
"Get them off of me" I screamed to them.

They ran toward me as the officers pushed me into a cop car and locked the doors.
My eyes were dripping of tears & my hands were shaking uncontrollably.

Jenna hit her fists against the glass harshly.
"We'll get you out of there Tay I promise" she screamed as the car sped off.

The officers didn't even make sure i was strapped in before speeding down the road.

My arms were uncomfortably locked behind my back and the only thing I was left to do was cry.

And hope that they'd let me free.

We reached the station and an officer pulled me out of the car harshly with one of his muscular arms.
"Sir, please let me go, at least take these cuffs off me" I whined lowly.
"I suggest you keep quiet Jardine" he side eyed me as we walked into the station.

All eyes were on me.
I didn't mean to make a scene, but my heart was pounding and my breathing was hitched.

"Stay here" the officer instructed as he pushed me down into a seat & walked off down a dimly lit hall.

I looked around and sniffed at the sight of many officers and detectives in cubicles.
All their eyes on me.

I wish I could wipe my tears right now, but my hands are still cuffed.

After around 10 minutes of calming down and my tears drying onto my cheeks, the officer returned and lifted me up again with his rough arm.

"Taylor Jardine, we're just going to ask you some questions" he assured me, pulling me down the hall into the farthest room to he right.

It was a darker room with a small window that was covered by small fencing & the only light in the room was a small circular lamp hanging from the ceiling.

In the middle of the room was a metal table with cuffs attached to it & 2 chairs.
I've watched enough law & order to figure out that the large mirror on the side wall is in fact a window.

And that everything I say in here can be heard from the outside.

A man walked into the room, pale.
His green eyes searching mine for resistance.
I was scared but I had nothing to worry about.

"Taylor" his voice soothed out as the other officer sat me down and chained me to the table.
That officer left the room, leaving me alone with the pale officer with striking eyes.

"Taylor I need you to answer some questions" he sent me an assuring smile.
"Okay" I nodded toward him.
"I will be the only one who hears what you have to say, this is confidential" he nodded slowly.

"Bullshit" I shook my head laughing a bit, "I know what's behind that mirror, on the other side. And I know everything that I say can be heard from the other side"

The mans gaze shifted backward to the glass.
"There's a hall on the other side of that mirror" he gestured to it blankly.
"It's a one sided mirror, you can see through on the other side" I corrected him.

He smiled to himself before his emerald eyes glanced to me.
"You're a smart one aren't you Taylor?"
"I want to be let go" I glared at him from across the cold metal table.

"I'll let you go if you prove to me you didn't murder Alexa San Roman" he inquired, lowering his head toward me.

"I know nothing about her death" I stated blandly, "I know nothing and I want to be let go"
"Taylor!" He shouted.

"Taylor where were you yesterday" he asked, narrowing his eyes.
"A friend's house" I glanced to the floor.
"And was Alexa there as well?" He asked making me fidget with my finger in front of me.

"Yes, and what does that prove? So we're a ton of other people."
"Did Alexa drive home afterward" he narrowed his eyes.

"Hey my friend is coming to pick me up, he can drop you off at home as well." I looked to Alexa.
"That'd be great Tay" she smiled sweetly to me shoving her phone into her pocket, "thank you"

"Well you can thank Andrew when he gets here" I smiled back at her nibbling on my lip.
"Andrew? Have I met him before?" She asked furrowing her eyebrows.
"I doubt it"

"N-no" I mumbled out.
"Did you give Alexa a ride home afterward?" He asked with a smooth tone.

"No, a friend of mine did, what are you getting at mr. I didn't murder Alexa!" I hit my fists against the table and slid my seat out from under me standing up and staring at him with rage.

"You seem a bit enraged Taylor?" He smirked.
"I want to go home" I said now more calmly.
"You ca-"
"I want to go home, let me go"
"Taylor we found this gun at the crime scene where we found Alexa." the man stated, his pale eyes staring deep into mine.

He slid a gun across the table to me causing me to shiver.
"Does it look familiar?"
"I don't own a gun, I've never seen that gun before" I muttered shaking my head.

"Taylor I need you to tell me the whole truth, nothing but the truth"
"I am!" I shouted.
"Fine." He responded coldly.

He reached across the table and unlocked my wrists, leading me out of the room.

"Follow me" he instructed as he lead my down the hall to another door before entered a room of cells & he opened a cell door for me to enter.

"A cell?" I questioned.
"Yes, get inside." He instructed.

I walked inside as he closed the door behind me and handed me a phone.
"You get one phone call."

• • •
Lauren's pov
I closed the door behind me.
"Tay what is going on?" I questioned, my voice not coming out strong enough resulting in a croak.

"Lauren nothing, it's a misunderstanding" she waved her hand off staring out the car window.
"No, Taylor it's not nothing, I just picked you up from a police department. Taylor what is going on" I stared at her waiting for her to actually look my way.

"I don't know what to tell you Lauren, I don't" she shook her head.
"Tell me that you didn't kill her" I said, causing the car to go silent.

"You didn't kill her right?" I asked, my voice coming out hoarse again.
"No" she responded strongly, her head snapping my way.

I nodded mine slowly.

"I have one more question. Why did you call me?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

She stayed silent again Before sighing loudly.
"I knew that you'd believe me, that you wouldn't think that I'm a murderer" she trailed off.

"You don't think I'm a murderer, right?" She asked and the car returned to silence.

I plugged in the keys and turned them hearing the hum of the engine to my car.

"No, I don't" I responded before pulling out of the parking lot of the dimly lit police department.

As we drove down the road Taylor parted her mouth to speak.
"Can we drive by my friends house really quick?" She asked.

I nodded my head slowly.
"His name is Andrew"

Who knew? (A Tay Jardine fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now