I walked into the fearful pyramid and I heard noises of moaning and groaning coming from deep within the structure. I found myself in a fancy entryway where a massive portrait of Bill decorated the wall. I slowly inched towards it and looked around for a way out. There were no doors or anything and then I heard the door I came in shut. The only light left was from the candles that faintly lit the room. Finding a way out was going to be much harder now. I began to pace around the room in circles seeking for a way out. I thought maybe this was a trap just to catch me and then I heard his dreadful voice thunder from every corner of the room, "Welcome Pine Tree. Your family is safe... Well that is... for now."
I began to yell, "SHOW YOURSELF! WHERE ARE THEY?''
The portrait began to glow and soon every inch of the room glowed in a bright blue light. The scenery changed. I was now in a dark room and a soft female voice emerged from the shadows, "Dipper... Is that you?"
"Mabel? Where are you? Are Ford and Stan with you?" I replied back into the darkness but never got an answer because as soon as I finished the sentence, the room had flashed once more and I was back in the entryway.
At least, I thought I was but this time there was a door and the room looked much brighter. I slowly walked towards the door and pushed it open. I saw him, Bill Cipher, floating in the air sipping his tea. I was furious, ''Give me back my family you one eyed freak!''
''Care to join me for tea? Now, now. Have a seat and don't be rude to your host.'' replied the dream demon.
I walked to the chair and picked it up. ''Where are they?'' I questioned.
''SIT DOWN!" I could see a slight tint of red radiating from his triangle body.
I threw the seat towards him an suddenly it froze. Bill's tea cup shattered in an instant and my body began to tremble. A blue flame began to eat the chair and its remaining ashes fell to the ground. Bill's body turned a fierce red color and he slowly grew to about ten times my size. "YOU DARE TEST ME?" roared the demon.
"N-No... Please Bill... Calm down.." I managed to get out in a shaky voice.
I looked towards the door but it was gone. There was no escape. A laser struck the ground not even an inch away from where I was standing. I ducked under the table and suddenly it rose from the ground and shattered against the wall. I yelped, "Bill... Please.. I beg you.."
"Excuse me, I was just teaching you manners which you obviously lack." replied Bill as he began to shrink and fixed his bow tie.
I sighed in relief and said, "I would like some of that tea now.."
The room flashed the bright blue light I had seen before and I was sitting in a chair. I was strapped to it and I couldn't get myself free. ''Bill! What the hell! Let me go!" I screamed.
I heard a flip switch and I heard the dreadful voice say, "Ready for Level 1?''
"Of what?" I was terrified and my body was already drenched in sweat.
"Oh you'll see." He replied as I began to fall into a deep sleep.
The last thing I heard was the most terrifying laughter I had ever heard and then the room when black.

Crumbling Sanity
FanfictionBill Cipher has gotten a hold of the Pine's family. Well, except for the young Dipper. Which of these Mortal Enemies can hold onto their Sanity the longest?