Elli Petrova (Temporary name)

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Hey everyone!

This is a story I have been sitting on for a while and I thought I should put it up to see what the response is.

Please, Please, Please Comment and vote, I really want to know what you think and whether you think I should continue or not.

I would love for you to give me feedback, good, bad and critical feedback is highly appreciated.

Thakyou to all who read and ENJOY!!! (Hopefully)

Chapter 1: Burial

Dear Diary,

Today is the day of my mother’s burial.

They still don’t know what happened to her, no one does. They all think it was an animal, but I know better. They forget that I was there that night when it happened. I try to tell the others this but they just think I’ve gone loopy.

Only Aunty Kat and Anjelica believe me, only they understand. They know something is not quite right and they will protect me from it.

After the burial we are going to run away from the non-believers and find a house in a different city, maybe even country, and only then will we finally be safe –for now- Just the three of us......

Elli stopped writing and stared up into the beautiful sunrise. Blues pinks and yellows filling the sky as the first rays of light shot through the morning sky. How she wished her mother was here to see this, sunrise was her favourite time of day.

“Elli, what are you doing? You must get ready. Your bags are packed for the trip, ready to go and your clothes are on your bed. Now hurry up, we mustn’t be late for the ceremony!” Anjelica said, hurriedly pushing Elli through the door up the stairs and into her bedroom. She grabbed Elli’s clothes and lead her into the bathroom where there was a warm bath waiting for her. She stripped her off and practically threw her into the bathtub, scrubbing the dirt off furiously.

After her bath, Elli was dressed in her special outfit, -consisting of a black tank top and skirt with a shawl over the top and a pair of black slip-ons with sequins on the front- and went to wait out the front by the car. A few minutes later Aunty Kat and Anjelica emerged wearing their proper attire. They looked absolutely gorgeous, they always did. Elli wished that one day she would be as beautiful as them.

Whilst they were in the car on their way to the church, Aunty Kat went over the plan with them and once everything was sorted, silence fell upon the car. But no one minded, the silence was nice, it allowed them to think, concentrate, plan.

When they pulled up at the church there were more people than was expected. So many in fact, Elli didn’t think everyone would be able to fit in the church.

As soon as Aunty Kat, Anjelica and Elli stepped out of the car they were bombarded by mourners rushing up to them to give their apologies for the loss.

“I am very sorry for your loss” “Anabel was a wonderful woman” “A remarkable person” on and on they went. Most of the people liked her mother and were truly sorry about her passing, but others, Elli could tell didn’t mean a word they said. But to make matters worse, people who hated her mother showed up just to rub it in their faces and some even looked pleased that her mother was dead. Elli knew her mother had enemies, but wow, she never thought there could be soo many.

After all of the mourners finished their little speeches- or gloats- Aunty Kat, Anjelica and Elli  finally made their way into the church, And Oh my did it look absolutely amazing.

The inside was decorated with white and sapphire coloured ribbons hanging at the ends of the aisles and on the walls and there were white roses and lilies in vases all around the room and then there were white rose and Lillie petals scattered all over the floor. All of which were, her mother’s favourites.

Aunty Kat made her way to the front of the church- with Elli following close behind- to where Elli’s mother lay in her casket. She looked so beautiful, so peaceful.

Immediately Elli’s eyes ran straight to the wound on her mother’s neck. They had cleaned and sewn it up pretty well. With the exception of the visible stiches and bruises she looked almost normal, like she was merely in a deep sleep. Just paler than usual.

Elli went to touch her mother’s face when someone pulled her back and hugged her tightly. Elli hadn’t realised that she’d been crying until that moment. She leaned back into Anjelica’s embrace as Aunty Kat walked over to them and joined the hug. There and then all three of them sat there letting the tears flow, holding each other and promising everything was okay and that it was all going to get better, they hoped.

The ceremony started shortly afterwards and more tears threatened to flow down Elli’s face. She composed herself throughout most of the ceremony but as soon as it was time for her to speak she burst into tears. How was she going to survive without her mother? She knew that Aunty Kat and Anjelica would be there to support her but she just wanted her mother back. Anabel always knew what to do in a similar situation and more to the point her mother understood how she felt more than anyone else in the world. Elli said her speech and then dragged herself over to her mother’s casket and placed a white rose next to her hand, letting a single tear fall onto her mother’s lifeless, pale cheek.

After the ceremony came the burial. Elli’s mothers casket was carried out over to the cemetery where there at the very front was a tombstone made especially for her. It was fairly basic but Aunty Kat had taken the time and had dug into her account to purchase a small statue in the shape of an angel and placed it beside it. The tombstone read.....







The words were lovely. Once the casket was lowered into the ground the mourners and other attendees dispersed each for their own destination, ceremony of memorial and finally Aunty Kat, Anjelica and Elli were alone and had some time to themselves. So they sat there at Anabel’s grave, remembering all of the good times they had with her.

A little while after Aunty Kat went for a walk through the cemetery whilst Anjelica took Elli back to the car. Aunty Kat arrived back at the car a half-hour later then they all got in and set off towards their new home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2011 ⏰

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Elli Petrova (Temporary name)Where stories live. Discover now