Open Mouth, Insert Foot (Five)

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WARNING:  Although it is stated on the introductory page that there is violent/disturbing content within this novel, I thought that I would prepare you that it begins in this chapter.  

Once Desiree finished her meal (making a pretty plate), Piper tidied up the kitchen and then joined her on the couch. She was spread near the curve of the couch with her bare feet propped up on the cushions, dressed in a pair of blue jeans with a short tight gray T-shirt that stopped an inch above her navel, which Desiree found herself peeping at quite frequently. She then remembered earlier that morning when Piper had kissed her own navel, which caused her to promptly blush. Get a grip, she inwardly instructed herself. She's a woman, the jury is still out on whether she's actually a cookie short of a dozen, and regardless of how cordial she can be, you are her hostage.

Piper cleared her throat, preparing to begin. She was nervous about their conservation. How was she going to explain to this woman that she was wanted for the attempted murder of her brother and the murder of three other people? Oh, what was a kidnapper to do? Desiree seemed like the type who would keep an open mind and listen to what Piper had to say, though even her own lawyer who had become a trusted friend --well, acquaintance-- had turned on her.

"Well, you know that I kidnapped you for a reason," Piper started, wringing her hands together.

Desiree nodded. "I figured you didn't do it just for kicks." Seated with her legs folded underneath her and her back pressed against the arm of the couch, she faced the blonde, who was stretched out in a position one could easily fall asleep in.

"Right. I'm wanted by the police."

Desiree did not say anything as she waited patiently for the woman to continue.

"I'm wanted for murder and attempted murder."

Chocolate eyes widened considerably, but she still did not utter a word.

Piper did not know exactly where to take the so far one-sided conversation. "Have you heard anything on the news lately about three jurors being found dead?"

Desiree pondered the question, soon remembering something she heard about three jurors in San Francisco. Apparently, they were found dead within a period of less than forty-eight hours and before long the police discovered the link that all three had served on the same murder trial ten years ago. "I do recall hearing about that. What does it have to do with anything?"

Piper swallowed hard before inquiring, "Did you hear that they had a suspect?"

Desiree shook her head. "No."

"Well, they do."

"Who?" She already had a strong feeling what the other woman was about to say.

Heart beginning to pound, Piper nervously bit her lower lips while pointing toward herself. "Yours truly. The police suspect me because those were three of the people who served during my trial. The same trial that Judge Richard Love presided over."

Over sixty seconds passed as Desiree was rendered speechless. "My father?" she finally whispered. While Piper confirmed with a slow nod, she stared at her. "It's all starting to make sense now. You kidnapped me because my father put you in prison." It was more of a statement than a question.

Piper shook her head. "No. That's not why I kidnapped you. Nearly a decade of my life was ruined because of his sentencing, but that has nothing to do with this," she argued, sitting up on the couch.

"Then why am I here?" The expression on Desiree's face was riddled with confusion.

"As I already told you, I'm wanted by the police." She paused momentarily as her captive nodded. "I was released from prison almost four months ago, and since then, I've done pretty well. My longtime and best friend Taj insisted that I stay with him and I did so until I was able to afford my own place. It's a small apartment, but I'm proud of it. In less than a week after being released, I found employment at a restaurant thanks to the culinary program provided by the prison. Have a great parole officer of whom I check in with on a regular basis. Now she's probably wondering where I am..."

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