Love me! - Italy x Emotionless!Reader

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You were diagnosed with an unknown and very very rare sickness that made you emotionless.

Whether it was killing someone or loving someone you couldn't feel it.

You were never sad.

When your abusing dad died you didn't feel sad. The rest of your family cried for him.

You didn't know what to feel. You couldn't feel anything.

-- Time skip --

Your mom enrolled you into a school called Gakuen High. 

It was a private school.

You walked by a lot of smiling faces and you wondered what they felt. What was happiness like?

You then bumped into someone. 

"Sorry~a Bella!" Some high pitched boy spoke.

You simply nodded.

"See you~a around!" Then he started to happily skip to his class room.

The bell rang and you ran to the right class room.

You looked around to find a seat and all you saw was an empty seat next to a boy with brown hair and a weird curl sticking out.

He was facing towards the window so you couldn't see what he looked like.

You sat down and placed your books on your desk.

The teacher wasn't here yet though.

When you sat down his face turned towards you.

"Oh! Ciao! Bella! It's~a you~a again!" His strong but sweet Italian accent greeted you.

"Oh. Hey" You replied with your normal bored facial expression.

He looked confused.

"Are~a you~a ok?" He asked with concern in his voice.


"Why~a are you not~a smiling?" He questioned.

"Sorry kid but I'm emotionless. I don't feel any feeling." You answered.

"What! I have~a never heard~a anything like that~a before!" His high pitched voice was getting on your nerves but you didn't feel angry.

"Please be quiet" You pleaded.

He totally ignored your request though.

"Ok then~a! My name~a is Feliciano Vargas! What is your name?" He introduced himself.

"My name is (Y/N) (L/N)." You replied with your bored look and faced the black board.

Feliciano didn't talk to you since he seemed confused.

-- Time skip by America mochi over 9000 --

The bell rang for lunch and you walked to the cafeteria.

You heard footsteps gain faster and faster towards you.

You looked behind you and saw the same brown haired boy.

"What do want now?" You asked.

"I want~a to get to know~a you!" He happily said.

"Uhh Sure" You replied with a fake smile.

You sat with him during lunch time.

"So where~a are you from~a?" Feliciano queried.

"I'm from (C/N)" You replied.

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