Chapter I: The Monograph

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The room was loud and colorful, Pinkie had gone to such lengths to throw this party. She even bought a ticket to the Crystal Empire for the Cakes to take a vacation for a few days. So they had the whole building to themselves. It was bright, vibrant and so cheerful as many as her other parties. Twilight sat in the corner reading a story to the CMC with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle listening with eager ears. Scootaloo sat next to Rainbow Dash who was also listening due to the story being an early release of Daring Do by A.K. Yearling. Applejack stood next to the punch bowl chatting with Fluttershy over the caring of livestock. Rarity had been admiring the decor Pinkie had chosen.

Pinkie walked up to Rarity and spoke in her bubbly voice, "How are you enjoying the party Rarity?"

Rarity looked to her with a smile, "Oh quick well darling, I say how did you come about the decor decision, it's divine."

Pinkie jumped for joy at the compliment, "Oh I just took everyone's favorite color and threw streamers of it where ever I saw necessary."

Rarity swooned at the consideration of her friends and herself. With that Pinkie jumped toward Spike who was sitting down next to Twilight falling asleep to the reading, "Wake up silly dragon!"

Her screeching interrupted the story with much of protest from Rainbow Dash. Pinkie pulled out a milkshake and handed it to the young man. With that she left to go focus her attention on the others. When suddenly the lights shut off and the room was filled with a scream, most likely Fluttershy. The room then was filled with grumbles and murmurs. The group all shielded their eyes when the lights blared on. They all then gasped at what they saw. A large monograph with a record already on it ready to play.

Twilight, the most curious of them all, spoke first, "What is that Pinkie?"

Pinkie jumped at the accusation, "I didn't put that there."

Twilight said, "Well if you didn't who did?"

The group grew quiet. Pinkie walked forward and put the tone arm down on the record and the sound immediately came out as a dark distorted voice, "Princess Twilight Sparkle, Pinkamena Diane Pie, Applejack, Rainbow "Danger" Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Spike the Dragon are all going to die."

At the threat everyone gasped except for Rainbow and AJ both glaring at the monograph.

"The doors and windows are magically sealed. The only way out is by a spell casted by three Princesses. You all are going to be murdered one by one systematically. Enjoy your night."

Fluttershy began to cry and fall to the ground weeping while Rarity rushed to comfort her. Twilight stood looking pensive. AJ and RD both snorted at this threat. The others all shook in shock; and everyone jumped when Twilight spoke, "If the exits are magically sealed then the one who could have placed this monograph here is one of us, since we are the only ones here."

The room fell silent at the accusation. RD was the first to respond, "But why would any of us want to kill each other?"

Twilight spoke, "I don't know."

AJ came forward and broke the machine that the threat came from, "No one's killing me or my kin and friends."

The room fell silent again as they all stared at each other. Glares and glances were exchanged until Pinkie sighed audibly, "I'm sorry this ruined the party guys."

AJ put a hand on Pinkie's shoulder, "It's alright sugar cube. It'll be okay."

Rainbow spoke up, "Forget the party we need to get out of here."

Rarity got up from the floor and walked Fluttershy into the kitchen to wash her face. The others in the room and the young ones all were tearing up and sobbing together in a group hug.

AJ stepped up and said, "We need to find the one who played the monograph before they get us."

RD looked over at Twilight, "It had to be you."

Twilight glared at the accusation, "What!?"

RD responded, "Well think about it, you are the only one with the magical know how to put a spell on the exits."

Twilight huffed, "Enchantments can come from anyone. Sealing tickets exist as well you know."

The room grew quiet again but now the feeling of cold air rushed through the house. Spike stood up and lifted the CMC, "I'm going to go take them upstairs in Pinkie's room. They should be safe there."

Twilight nodded at Spike's wise decision and saw him wonder upstairs with Sweetie Belle in his arms bridal style and the other two at his sides gripping at his arms.

Rarity had wandered back into the room leaving Fluttershy to herself for awhile. The three then began to discuss the events.

Rarity then st down and glared at Twilight, "How dare you make that accusation!?"

Twilight stood shocked.

Rarity continued, "Fluttershy is terrified as is, do you really want her to feel afraid of her own friends!?"

Twilight spoke up, "N-no I just think we should handle this practically, the sooner we find the one who put the monograph there the sooner we can feel safe."

Suddenly the lights turned off again and a scream came out from the upstairs following with the lights turning back on. The four ran upstairs to the children only to find that Scootaloo screamed from the sudden darkness. The sisters of the children held and comforted them. As did Twilight to her "son." Twilight herself began to cry for she hated not knowing anything and feared her friends lives. Spike reached over and wiped her tears and pulled her deeper into the hug. Tonight was going to be a long one.

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