Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
There was no time. There was age, memories and priorities. There was no way to tell how old you were or when you were born. I will tell you my story in this world. My name is Stepheni Maloni. I was born into this world not knowing my name or where I was. My mother rocked me back and forth till I stopped crying. Too bad my deadbeat dad couldn't be there when my mother needed him the most. I remember it like it was yesterday. I remember the searing pain of that needle against my skin, piercing. I was born two months pre-mature, and was put into an incubator. The needle that I was injected with contained a drug named "Bluctruial". I'm not sure what this drug does, but I occasionally see things I don't intend on seeing. I blame this on the drug injected into me at birth. I took a taxi home, and my mother breastfed me. My brother Quin, was born before me. He watched curiously as my tiny fingers curled around his. Being the bigger one, he had not yet experienced it. I started school when I was nine fingers of age. I remember the teacher being in her elderly state and stricter than the others. If a student would be to fail a question, Mrs. Learo, our grade four teacher, would strike our tiny fingers with a ruler. I wasn't the smartest. Each day, I would come home with even more bruises than the day before. Occasionally, I would get a question right, flinching in fear that I would've been struck with the ruler. I'd complain to my mother each and every day, but eventually I started to numb the pain. My mom was always busy, but still made time for me and my brother. The neighborhood watch eventually found out about our teachers brutal methods. The whole class watched as Corporates rushed in, beating the elderly woman with a wooden stick. Corporates were tall slender men and woman. They always had this mysterious vibe to them. It felt like they were all robots doing as they were instructed. Mindless. My mother told me never to stare at one directly into their eyes, or they'd "jam". I wasn't quite sure what that meant, but all I knew, was that it wasn't good. I remember seeing blood. I guess Mrs. Learo deserved it but it was hard to watch. Me and all the other students being only nine.

Mrs. Learo passed away shortly after. We didn't have school for a while. When we returned, we had a new teacher. Mrs. Honeysuckle. Mrs. Honeysuckle was a kind hearted teacher with a lot of energy. For a while, we liked her. We'd had her for a while, maybe three months. One day, Mr. Valt, our principal, came in unexpectedly and asked to talk with Mrs. Honeysuckle. The students sat in their seats quietly until the grown ups returned. When the door opened, our teacher wasn't there. Instead, the principal walked in taking her place.

"Good morning students! Mrs. Honeysuckle had to take the day off today, and so I, Mr. Valt, our schools principal will be substituting for this afternoon".

Mr. Valt was loud. Very loud. The students were scared. He was a large bald headed man. We didn't do much. The same art, the same language, the same math, just someone different teaching it. At the end of the day, Mr. Valt wished the students a good day, and they were picked up by their moms and dads. All except me. Mr. Valt asked if I could stay with him after school and help load some things into his car. In return, he'd boost my grade slightly. Being the teachers pet that I was, I immediately accepted the offer. It was a little sketchy. Usually when school is over, I'd take the bus home where I'd meet my waiting mother. I figured if I told her what had happened, she'd realize that I was only trying to help our principal. After a while of loading boxes and crates, we'd finished. We headed back to the classroom where Mr. Valt took his laptop, boosting my grade as promised. He asked me if I wanted a ride home. Mr Valt owned a nice, grey car, that was freshly waxed.The sky being dark, I took the offer. It was cold. The season of winter. As we drove past familiar shops and stores, I noticed we weren't going in the correct path.

"Mr. Valt, you were supposed to make a left back there".

I said.

"I know a faster route". "Don't worry".

In my mind, I questioned how he knew where I lived. I started to get uncomfortable.

"Are you sure you know where you're going Mr Valt?"

I said.

"I know where we're going, don't you worry".

Said Mr. Valt.

"Just drop me off here, I'll walk from here".

"You don't want to get lost, now do you?"

He said.

 I suppose he was correct.At this point, we we're definitely going in the opposite direction.
Palms sweating, I got nervous.

"I'm scared".

I said regretting it immediately.

"There's no reason to be scared, Stepheni". He said soothingly. "Well, it is dark. Are we lost?" I said.

"Almost there". Said Mr. Valt. At that that very moment, we hit a ditch. "Aw crud". He said.

"What happened?"

I said. "Must have hit something. I'm gonna go check it out. Care to join me?" Said Mr. Valt. "Okay"

I said innocently.

As we went around the car to the front wheel, there was a dead animal laying there. I gasped dramatically.

"Oh my, what have we here?".

He said. He ran to the trunk, me following closely behind.

From his trunk, he brought out a big black bag.

"Please help me get this animal into this bag".

He said.

 I went over to the dead animal. Soon, I'd take it's place. He smiled as he tackled me to the ground, shoving the bag over my body crushing me.

"Thanks for the helping me get 'this animal' into the bag". He said as he put the bag over my head, sticking me into the trunk of his car.


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