Welcome Back, Hikari

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This chapter and several other in this and later stories will prove that love is more powerful than death.

Sora's Pov

Tears poured from my eyes like rain. Donald and Goofy were crying too. How was I going to explain this to Riku and Kairi? That's when I felt something tickle my cheek. I slightly opened my eyes to see Hikari's thumb rubbing my cheek. I look down at her. Several more tears fell onto her face. She squinted her eyes and slowly opened them. Soon, those beautiful, sapphire eyes were open and looking at me. Her mouth formed a smile. Then, she spoke.

"Sora..." Hikari said. Her voice. It was more beautiful than an angel's melody. "Sora!"

"Hikari!" I cried. I wrapped my arms around her and rocked back and forth. "Hikari... Hikari..." So much relief and joy fluttered around in my heart.

"Hikari!" Donald and Goofy cried.

"Donald! Goofy!" Hikari exclaimed. They tackled me and her into hug. I never thought we'd ever be like this ever again. We started to head outside. I couldn't help but notice that Hikari's clothes had shrunk a lot. I could see her figure more clearly than before. My face turned red and I tried to avoid looking at her, afraid she'd punch it she caught me staring.

My Pov

I couldn't believe it. Despite all the odds that were against me, I was awake. And I felt so much joy. Not just that I was with Sora, Donald and Goofy again, but I remembered everything from my past. Funnily enough, there are these two girls I have memories of, but don't remember meeting; Naminé and Xion. Maybe some other part of me met them. But most importantly, I remembered him. The man who took my home, my parents, my brothers and my sisters from me. The Keyblade Master of Darkness; Xehanort. We walked out of the mansion and I stretched.

"Ahh... Fresh air." I sighed. I noticed Sora was having a hard time looking at me and his face was red. "Sora, what's wrong? Are you sick?" I place a hand on his forehead. "You feel fine..."

"It's just... uhh... how do I say this without risking you punching me...?" Sora mumbled. I looked at him weird. "Hikari... don't your clothes feel a little... tight on you?" Tight? Now that he mentioned it, they did feel snug. Especially around my chest area. When we got into the town, I caught a reflection of myself. My shirt, which use to cover me was now four inches below my chest, exposing my stomach area. My skirt, which had been at my mid-thigh was now hugging my bottom kind of tightly. I pulled my hair to the front and looked at it. It had been just past my bottom, but now it was only a little ways above my ankles. And it was lighter, too. Have I been walking around like this!? I covered myself in embarrassment. "Don't worry. If any guy looks at you the wrong way, I'll pop him." I smiled at Sora.

"Thanks, Sora." I said. I looked at Sora more closely. He had changed a lot too. He was taller, his skin seemed to be tanner, his hair was a different style and his voice was deeper. His voice... I thought for a minute. His voice sounded just like Van's! Except Van's was a little deeper in pitch. Sora even looked like Van now(with obvious differences). His eyes though... It was as if Ven was here too. I felt tear slide down my cheek. I wiped it away. For some reason, we came to a place underneath the train tracks.

"You know, I think I've been to this town." Sora said.

"I was feeling the same." I said.

"What's it called?" Donald asked. I thought, but couldn't think of the name.

"I guess it was just a feeling." I said. We went to the back to see that this was some kind of hideout. There were 3 others teens here. Two boys and a girl.

"What do you want?" one of the boys asked.

"Uh, nothing. Just wondering what was back here." Sora said.

"Now you know. This is our spot." the boy said. The other boy looked at us weird.

"What?" I asked.

"You guys are new, right? I'm Pence." the other boy said. The first boy walked past us.

"Hayner. Nice to meet you, but we got stuff to do, so catch you guys later." the boy said. The girl introduced herself.

"My name's Olette. Did you guys finish up the summer homework yet?" the girl asked.

"Homework?" Sora asked.

"Uhh... We don't live here. We're kind of passing through." I said.

"Hey, what're your names?" Pence asked.

"Oh, sorry. We're Sora, Hikari, Donald and Goofy." Goofy said.

"Hey there." Sora said. Pence and Olette looked at each other.

"Sora, Hikari, Donald, Goofy, we just met someone who was looking for you." Olette said. Someone was looking for us?

"He sure seemed in a hurry. He had a black coat on so I couldn't see his face, but he had these big round ears." Pence said. Round ears? The only one I could think of was...

"Mickey!" I exclaimed.

"Where'd you see him?" Sora asked.

"At the station." Pence said.

"Thank you!" I said. Pence and Olette left to attend to an assignment they had.

"Oh boy! The King's trying to find us!" Donald exclaimed.

"Yeah! Let's get to the station! You should be excited too Hikari. The last time we saw the King, Riku was with him." Sora said. My hear skipped a beat. Riku... Even after all the hurt he caused me... I knew this; I still loved him. I hoped Riku was with Mickey. I needed to talk to him. I need to see his face, hear his voice., feel his arms around me. I needed to make sure he was alright. I remember I had lost Terra to Xehanort and I almost lost Riku to him, too. I would find him. While I slept that whole time, I could hear Riku's voice. I would hear him crying, cursing all the horrible things he did to me and Sora. I would help him forget that. I made a silent promise.

'Riku, I'll find you. And I'll protect you no matter what.' I promised.

Hikari's alive! It wasn't just Sora or Nikko who brought her back. I'll explain it, but that won't be until Mickey has his talk with Ansem the Wise in The World That Never Was.

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