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Josie walked with Arika down their block as they laughed and talked coming home from school. As they were walking they saw Jasmine in her yard playing with her cat Snowball.Jasmine got Snowball during the winter when their was snow on the ground. Her dad surprised Jasmine with the cat while we were having a snowball fight in her yard.Jasmine said hi and the girls said hello back.Josie and Arika kept walking til they got to Arika's house.Josie knocked on the door and Arika's mom awnsered it when the girls walked in they smelled fresh cookies they sat down and ate some cookies. After they were finished eating the cookies they started on there homework.The girls were in 5th grade Arika had Miss Mellard and Josie had Mrs.Minkus. Arika was in the middle of her division worksheet when she got a text from Mellanie.Mellanie's text said that Josie and Arika were invited to her house for a sleep over on Friday and we were going to go to the movie theater on Saturday .Arika told Josie about the text and Josie said she would ask her mom about it but she wasn't sure because that was the weekend with her dad and she would only get to see him three weekends in this month and this was the third weekend.Josie hates that her parents divorced but what could she do about it.After the girls finished there homework they went up to Arika's room and watched some Netflix and talked and laughed had a pillow fight and snacked on popcorn.As they started the series Mysteries with Mavus Josie's mom texted her and said she would be at Arika's house in 10 minutes to pick Josie up. The girls started picking up and ran back down stairs to make sure Josie got everything then the doorbell rang and it was Josie's mom.They walked to the car and got in and drove off. As they drove toward their house Josie told her mom about the sleepover at Mellanie's and she said Josie would have to ask her dad and Josie knew were this was going.Once Josie left Linzey texted and asked if Arika could come over but she couldn't because Arika had cheerleading and it started at 6:00 and it was 5:00. Arika went up to her room to get ready she changed and got on her bow and left.

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