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One day while ichigo and rukia were basically stalking you, to make sure no hollows got you, you took a sharp turn along an overgrown woodlen path. After fallowing it for a bit you leaned against a tree. Soon enough, your old friend ( random girl name) ran up, a hollow hot on her heals. She slammed her black, gloved hand against your chest, separating soul from body. You wielded your blade with ease and cut the hollow right down the middle. Ichigo and rukia came out from where they were hiding." Your a soul reaper!?" Rukia gasped, with wide eyes." Who are these people?" (Random female name) asked." Ichigo and rukia, some friends of mine." You said after you got back in your body. Rukia, being the worrying little girl she is, started checking you for any wounds. Your friend couldn't seem to keep her eyes off of rukia. After a bit of her staring you said." Hay, (random girl name) are you alright? That hollow didn't get ya at all, did he?" That comment sent rukia over to check on (random girl name). Given the chance, ichigo pulled you a bit away from them." Hay, (y/n)? I have something to ask you... I was wondering if you would... Want to... Go on a date?" He asked cautiously. This earned him a large smile from you." Gladly! Oh, and by the way, thank you for protecting me while (random as fuck girls name) was away." He blushed, scratching the back of his head." Haha... Yeah..." He mumbled...


Fresh out of a fight, you and Rinji hid in a small nook with in the strange building you had somehow gotten into. The nook was barely big enough to hold the both of you, causing you to be chest to chest with Rinji as the two of you crouched together. After a few minutes you noticed the bright red blush that covered his face. You pressed yourself closer, pretending to check for enemies." Wonder where byakuya and (rgn-random girls name) are..." You mumble." P-probably h-hiding like us." He stuttered as your boobs pressed into his chest more." Hope so... And just so you know, your face is as red as your hair..." You said with a giggle. His ears joined his cheeks in the act of blushing." Wanna tell me why that is?" You asked as your little hollow returned to you." W-well I... Kinda... Love you..." He grumbled. You stood on your tippy toes to peck his cheek." Well I 'kinda' love you too, now let's get a move on, the coast is clear." You said as you slipped out of the crack in the wall. The two of you met up with byakuya and ( rgn). (Rgn) had fainted and byakuya looked like he hadn't been scratched, besides his ripped up clothing.


A hollow had snuck up on you and byakuya. You hadn't been harmed, thanks to byakuya taking all of the hits for you. You finally defeated the hollow, and (let's call him bob) helped you drag byakuya somewhere safe. You then began to use every drop of your powers to heal him. Bob kept trying to get you to stop, but you wouldn't. Three quarters of the way through, you were ready to pass out and byakuya woke up. He saw your condition." Your pushing yourself to much (y/n)... I'm alright now, you can stop." He croaked out, wincing. You shook your head vigorously." N-no! I w-won't lose you..." You gasped out, fighting your own exhausted body. You finally finished, falling to the side. Byakuya moved quickly enough to that you didn't hit the floor." Such a silly thing to do, push yourself to the brink..." He mumbled, cradling you." Anything for those I love." You mumbled, trying your best to fight your eyelids. He gave you a ghost of a smile as bob jumped on his shoulder, in his mini form obviously. Tilting his head down, he kissed your forehead." Sleep my dear (y/n). You've done enough today. I'll carry you home." He whispered to you." I-I can make it... I don't want to trouble you..." You gasped, trying to get out of his arms." No, (y/n). You said it yourself, anything for those you love." He said, holding you tightly. You gave him a sleepy smile, finally falling asleep.


You had fallen asleep at your desk right after finishing a huge pile of paper work. Toshiro walked in, smiling the instant he saw you. He carefully lifted you up, laying you on the sofa and covering you with a blanket. He did his paperwork, glancing at you from time to time. Once he was done he laid down with you. Hours later, when you woke up in his arms, you did little more than cuddle closer. He was cold, sure, but your zanpakuto was fire so you were always WAY too warm. He woke up to find you clinging to him, watching him sleep with a huge smile." Morning sleeping beauty!" You chirped. He smiled down at you, sliding his fingers through your hair." Morning." He mumbled. You cuddled further into his arms, a content sigh leaving the both of your lips." I missed the little things like this." He whispered holding you closer and nuzzling your hair." Me too..." You mumbled back. He kissed your forehead." Don't make me let go..." He whispered. You tightened your hold." I love you too much to do that..." He continued. You smiled, kissing his collarbone." Love you too shiro..." You whispered." I don't want you to let me go..." You finished." Then I never will..."

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