Dad ?

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* Jasmine's POV *

Dear Diary,

Well today is yet again another first day of high school. The 3rd one in one school year, But this time its in a creepy town called Mystic Falls. The thing is that this first day feels diffrent though like I belong here in this town. Mom told me on the way to the new house that we would be here for a long time,but she says that every time. I dont want to move anymore. Now lets back to when i say it feels diffrent when i say that i mean it feels like my father is here. I've been looking for him since i was 8 years old and i would and still do hope that one day he will walk through the door and say "Daddy's home now".

December 8, 2009


Well when i got to school i decided to go to see if my mom registered me yet or not. because she can forget easy.

" HI. I'm Jasmine Salvatore Pierce."

" O. Yes Ms.Pierce how can i help you?" asked the lady at the front desk.

" I was just wandering if my mom registered me yet."

" Yes she did sweet heart"

" Ahh Ms.Pierce, come on i will take you to your first class." the Principal said .

" OK. lets go." i said excited.

" Mr.Saltzman. This is your new student Jasmine Salvatore Pierce. Students make her feel welcome." explained the printable.

" Well Jasmine since its your first day here why dont i assign you an buddy, that can show you around."

As i was looking around at the class as the Principal introduced me as he said my middle and last name two students looked very surprised.

"um..Sure why not."

" OK how about this young man right here. Stefan Salvatore."

oh. My. Gosh. Believe it or not but, the boy that he chose ( Stefan ) is one of the people that look surprised and the girl that is sitting beside him I'm assuming that's his girlfriend.

" OK then. you can just take a seat by him."


Well it looks like i made it to lunch OK,but only with the help of Stefan. i've made some friends so far which are Stefan,Elena,Bonnie,Caroline,Jeremy, and Matt.

" Hey Jassie ! " Matt yelled across the courtyard.

" Oh. Hey Matt."

" Alot of us go to this place called The Grill after school do you want to come?"

" sure. I Would love to come. Who's all coming?"

" Me, You, Stefan, Elena, Jeremy, Caroline, Bonnie, Oh and Damon."

" Who's Damon?"

" Stefan's Brother."

" Well if he is Stefan's brother shouldn't he be in school?"

" You will find out about that later ok. "



Well my afternoon classes were good i had Elena and Stefan in all my classes. Since i told Matt that i would go to the grill that where I'm headed. so i guess i have to call my mom.

Calling mom.

" Hello. "

" it's me mom."

" oh OK is everything OK ?

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