Hey Uncle Stefan.

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~ Jasmine's POV ~

Dear Diary ,

I've been in my room for two days now without coming out. Matt truly hurt me. Daddy has brought me food and blood. I believe that he can tell that I'm hurt. I think that he went through this once with my mom. Aunt Elena told me that the first heart break is always the worst. I've gotten ready just like usual ready to face the day but, i never have the strength to continue walking out of my room and down the stairs. But today is different i'm going to get ready and walk right out that door.

July 10, 2010

I decided to wear white jeans with a hot pink oversized sweater that has LOVE written across it with a pair of hot pink combat boots. I straighted my hair and put a white bow in it and did my makeup. After i did all if that I walked to my door and walked down the stairs. When i got down there everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me.

" Jasmine would you like some breakfest ? " Aunt Elena asked me.

" Sure i would." I responded.

" OK, coming right up." She said with a huge smile on her face,

" Can you make to plates please ?"

" Sure." She answered knowing who the other one was for.

I walked over to sit on the couch by dad. Us 3 were the only ones up Carrie and Jake were still sleeping and uncle stefan was trapped in a cellar.

" Dad? "

" Yea Jasmine ? "

" I want to see him. "

" Who do you wnat to see ? "

" Uncle Stefan. "

" Why ? "

" Well for one he is my uncle. But manley he understands me dad. I know that you and aunt Elena have been there for me since what happened with me and matt but, what i told y'all went in one ear and otu of the other i know. If tell uncle Stefan exacly what I told y'all i just that he will take it in and break it up and some how help adn comfort me in a way that you and aunt Elena jsut can't do. OK, let me aske you this you when were about my age and you had that one friend over everyone else that you could tell them stuff and you could trust them with it and they were the closest person to and no one could replace them ? "

" Yea, i had a friend like that. "

" Well uncle Stefan is that friend to me."

" OK, After Elena cooks your brekfest you eat up here and take stefan his. "

" Thanks daddy. " i told him while i was hugging him.

Aunt Elena finished right after i got done talking to daddy. It took me about 5 min. to eat and then i headed down to the cellar to uncle Stefan with his food.

Im sorry that I have not been uploading ive just been really busy lately.

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